Showing posts with label Culture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Culture. Show all posts

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Bai Laga sa Magindanaw, Princess Harjida Karon to be Honored as Woman of the Year at the PICC by WCH

We Care for Humanity (WCH) has announced the presentation of the Woman of the Year Award to HRH Princess Harjida Mastura Karon at the upcoming 6th WCH Royal Summit on October 5, 2024, at the Philippine International Convention Center (PICC).

In preparation for this prestigious event, HRH Queen Maria Amor Leonor Torres Mastura, the revered founder of WCH and Chairperson of the Royal Summit, commended Princess Harjida with genuine admiration. She stated, "It is a great honor to recognize Princess Harjida with this award. Her steadfast commitment to global humanitarian efforts has made a significant impact on communities worldwide. Together, we will strive to promote universal humanitarianism and alleviate human suffering."

Harjida Mastura Karon is a distinguished individual whose lineage traces back to the noble heritage of Filipino royalty. Born on December 6, 1960, she carries the esteemed title of Bai Laga of Magindanaw, a position of honor and respect in royal community, the Sultanate of Magindanaw Mandanaue Darussalam. 

With a deep reverence for her heritage and a commitment to service, Harjida has dedicated herself to humanitarian endeavors that uplift her fellow Filipinos. Through her involvement with organizations like Sultan Kudarat Descendants of the Philippines, Alpha Sigma Phi International and We Care for Humanity, she works tirelessly to promote cultural preservation and community development. 

Harjida's philanthropic spirit extends beyond organizational affiliations. She has spearheaded numerous humanitarian activities, leaving a lasting impact on communities across Cotabato City, Sultan Kudarat, and Maguindanao. Whether it's providing assistance to Al Fardz Markadz in Cotabato City, supporting Al Noura Masjid in Katy Lebak Sultan Kudarat, or aiding the residents of Salimbao proper in Sultan Kudarat, Harjida's efforts have touched the lives of many. 

In addition to her humanitarian work, Princess Harjida has been recognized for her excellence in education. As the recipient of the Best Teacher award from Abu Dhabi National Oil Company School in Abu Dhabi in 2015, she has demonstrated a commitment to nurturing young minds and shaping the future.

Saturday, March 16, 2024

WCH and Sultanate of Magindanaw Extended Humanitarian Aid to Markadz Al-arfadz Orphanage Center in the Spirit of Ramadan

COTABATO - Following the successful "Kanduli" (thanksgiving) event, which featured the Sultan of Magindanaw's “stepping on white dust ritual”, the We Care for Humanity (WCH) team and the Maguindanao Royal Family offered humanitarian assistance to the Markadz Al-arfadz Orphanage Center on March 11, 2024, in the spirit of Ramadan.

Since 2022, the U.S.-based non-profit organization WCH has been involved in charitable initiatives in Mindanao in partnership with the Sultanate of Magindanaw. 

Leading the delegation was HRH Queen Mariam Leonor Torres Mastura, the WCH founder, who presented the organization's mission and dedication to aiding the orphanage.

His Majesty Zulkarnain Mastura VI, the 26th Supreme Sultan of Magindanaw, along with other cultural leaders:  Datu Habib Mastura- Secretary General of SKDOP, H. Datu Suod Ibrahim- Daram sa Magindanaw, Datu Jimmy Asim- Datu Mompong sa Kutawato sa Magindanaw, Datu Jordan Sinsuat- Datu Dikaya III, Datu Alee Uy- Marajalayla Salamen Magindanaw, Datu Zainudin Anan Kabulan- Datu Lawan na Datu Dikaya, HRH Febs Mastura Matalam, Royal Princess sa Magindanaw, HRH Jasma Mastura Karon- Rajah Bai sa Magindanaw, HRH Harjida Mastura Karon- Bailaga sa Magindanaw, Fatima Abdulrakman- Bailawan sa Dikaya, and foreign guest, Dr. Abdalla Sharief- Datu Marajalaila sa UN, who is also the president of United Nations Correspondents Association of Vienna (UNCAV), shared uplifting messages during the visit.

Ustadz Al-faradh Markadz expressed gratitude for the support and congratulated the newly enthroned Sultan on his prosperous reign.

The collaboration between the We Care for Humanity and the Sultanate of Magindanaw has significantly benefited the Markadz Al-arfadz Orphanage Center. During this 2nd visit, essential supplies such as rice and groceries were provided to support the orphanage's needs during Ramadan.

Their generous humanitarian gestures have truly embodied the spirit of Ramadan, bringing hope and joy to the underprivileged children.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

WCH Founder Accompanies UNCAV President to Cotabato for the Sultanate of Magindanaw Conference

COTABATO - The President of the United Nations Correspondents Association of Vienna (UNCAV)Mr. Abdalla Sharief, will visit Cotabato City, Philippines on the 8th of March 2024. Accompanied by HRH Queen Mariam Leonor Torres Mastura, founder of We Care for Humanity (WCH), they will attend the Peace and Cooperation Conference hosted by the Sultanate of Magindanaw.

Since the enthronement of the new Sultan of Magindanaw, His Majesty Sultan Abdulaziz Zulkarnain Mastura Kudarat VI, on the 14th of January this year, he and his Cabinet members have been actively promoting peace within the community.

Both the 26th Sultan of Magindanaw and Crown Prince, His Hghness Datu Mamuar Mastura expressed their honor in hosting an emissary from the United Nations. They have high hopes that this visit will positively impact the longstanding issues faced by the people in Mindanao.

The conference, which will include the "Kanduli" thanksgiving ceremony of the Sultan and the launch of the upcoming WCH Royal Summit, Philippines 2024, is scheduled for the 9th of March from 10AM to 3PM at the Royal House of Her Highness Royal Princess Febraida Mastura Matalam in Cotabato.

Sharief shared his emotions on his upcoming visit to the Philippines, stating, "I am excited to return to the Philippines for the second time and particularly eager to explore the captivating region of Magindanaw. Magindanaw holds significant importance in the hearts of many in the Arab and Islamic world as the land of Muslim Philippines. As a fellow Muslim, I feel a strong sense of solidarity with my brethren in Magindanaw and their quest for cultural and economic advancement. As I journey to the realm of Sultan Abdulaziz Zulkarnain, I sense a profound familiarity, as though I already know him despite our yet-to-be-made acquaintance. I anticipate that this visit will deepen our mutual understanding and strengthen our bonds as we collaborate towards shared objectives in economics and human development. Undoubtedly, my time in Magindanaw will be enlightening. I am keen to immerse myself in the rich cultural heritage and witness firsthand the economic strides the region has achieved. Moreover, I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to share our media and development expertise with the African and Arab world, leveraging our established partnerships with international organizations in Europe like UNIDO and the Atomic Energy Organization. The Philippines, with its diverse landscape and vibrant culture, offers abundant prospects for cooperation and progress. Magindanaw, in particular, serves as a testament to the resilience and determination of its people. Together, we can pave the way for a brighter future that celebrates cultural diversity and fosters economic prosperity for all. I am profoundly grateful for the chance to revisit Magindanaw and anticipate the meaningful connections and fruitful collaborations that await."

Queen Maria expressed her delight in fulfilling her responsibilities as Bai Mompong sa Magindanaw by bridging UNCAV and the Sultanate of Magindanaw. "I hold high aspirations for the Sultanate to thrive as one of the most esteemed and influential Kingdoms globally, and I am committed to achieving this goal to the best of my abilities."

Friday, April 28, 2023

WCH Founder Visits Ivory Coast to Promote Education for Humanity (E4H)

WCH Founder Queen Amor Leonor Torres recently journeyed to Côte d'Ivoire as part of the Education for Humanity (E4H) Program African Tour, accompanied by Jain University's Foreign Admission Manager, Mr. Santosh Chowdhury.

As the head of the delegation, Torres, also known as the Traveling Queen, held productive discussions with key stakeholders in higher education, academia, and Traditional Chiefs under the guidance of WCH partner, the Human Development Association (HUDAS) headed by Mrs. Alina OUATTARA, located in Côte d'Ivoire.

The Education for Humanity (E4H) initiative seeks to provide scholarships to disadvantaged Ivorian students, enabling them to pursue higher education or vocational training.

During her visit, the Queen took time to visit an organization supporting vulnerable groups such as street children, orphans, juvenile inmates, and widows. Here, she brought joy to the children by providing both sustenance and essential supplies.

"We are dedicated to coming back to Ivory Coast soon to continue our humanitarian work," were her final words before departing from Ivory Coast.

Sunday, February 20, 2022

We Care For Humanity Signed Cooperation Agreement With Gruppo Nicoletti To Help Save The Amazon Rainforest

 Amidst the pandemic, the founder of We Care for Humanity (WCH), Sultana Princess Maria Amor sets her journey to Brazil to sign a Cooperation Agreement with Gruppo Nicoletti for the Amazon Save the Earth Project (ASE).

ASE is a zero-emission project, in line with the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) defined by the United Nations, with the aim and commitment to preserve the world’s forests, a concrete action to preserve local species, guarantee stability to local populations through environmental inventory processes, quantification, qualification and certification of assets by the United Nations.

Sultana Princess Maria Amor,
Dr. Franco Nicoletti, Cav. Vito Franscella

Video Link:

ASE is founded by the Gruppo Nicoletti, a global financial and legal consulting company, basing its main activities in Brazil, United Kingdom, Spain, Malta, United Arab Emirates and South Africa. The Holding that leads the Group is based in Spain.

“The Amazons Save the Earth Project arises from the need to create concrete actions for the Planet, actively preserving world’s forests and providing consistent economic benefits to large Corporates and Governments following the issuance of Green Bonds certified by the Executive Partners of Gruppo Nicoletti, accredited by United Nations”, explains Dr. Franco Nicoletti, CEO of ASE.

The signed cooperation agreement appoints Sultana Amor as the Global Ambassador of the project and WCH as the flagship charity organization of ASE. In addition, the contract binds WCH and Gruppo Nicoletti to promote and create global awareness for ASE. “It is our great honor to have Princess Maria Amor as our Global Ambassador, her influence around the world can help realize the success of this project”, says Dr. Wellington Queiroz, head of the Queiroz Advogados Associados and one of the directors of ASE. 

WCH made a stand, “Climate change affects everyone and everything in this world. One must be vigilant in fighting to protect our planet as if we are fighting for our lives. It is our human rights to live in a livable planet. That’s why We Care for Humanity is holding hands with Gruppo Nicoletti to save the Amazon which is a critical solution in saving the earth. The Amazon Save the Earth project puts new directions in Climate Action to fight deforestation and preserve biodiversity. I take great pride being the Global Ambassador of this project and to see to it that we achieve our ultimate goal to save the earth. “, spoken by the Sultana of Sultanate of Maguindanao.

Both Maria Amor and Dr. Franco Nicoletti serves in the OSJ Knight of Malta including Cavalier Victor Franscella, facilitator at ASE and Director at Gruppo Nicoletti. “We are extremely happy with this collaboration with We Care for Humanity whose global goals are in line with Gruppo Nicoletti and the OSJ Knights of Malta. These three giant organizations are very committed to make a huge impact in saving the environment.”, proudly said by Cav. Franscella.

*We Care for Humanity is an internationally recognized Non-Profit organization dealing mainly with current global issues and focusing on United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, whose mission is to promote universal humanitarianism.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Sustainable Donation to HPF -Bangladesh from WCH & Consul Chowdhury

Help the People Foundation or HPF was the first humanitarian destination of We Care for Humanity (WCH) Founder, Princess Maria Amor as soon as she arrived in Dhaka, Bangladesh on April Fool’s Day from a trip in the Kingdom of Bhutan.

There, in the middle of very busy Dhaka, just behind the train tracks is the small HPF school dedicated in educating neglected children, the underprivileged and slum kids, being governed by board of directors of Help the People Foundation. According to Mr. Arifur Rahman, the school director, it is their mission to set up an independent child rehabilitation center for education for orphans and homeless children which is the purpose of HPF School and to set up a hospital to make medical treatment available for the poor.

Mr. Asif Chowdhury, Honorary Consul General of Chile to Bangladesh, a regular patron of HPF organized a donation of “Rickshaw” (a vehicle similar to a three-wheeled bicycle, having a seat for passengers behind the driver), in behalf WCH and Princess Amor. “I believe in the sustainable donation instead of a one-time relief gifts. I know by giving them Rickshaw, they have a sustainable income to help support their school.”, confidently said by Mr. Asif.

Princess Maria on her assessment of the visit to HPF, “I think Mr. Chowdhury’s idea of giving the school Rickshaw was very innovative, this will guarantee additional income for HPF. Likewise, I am very impressed with HPF and the people running it for their dedication and commitment to making a huge difference in these children’s lives. They bring hope to the less fortunate, HPF is a pride of Bangladesh.”, testified by Amor.

Consul Chowdhury will be honored at the Global Order of Dignitaries and Philanthropists (G.O.D.) Awards on July 28-29, 2018 at the Westin Rajarhat, Kolkata India. 

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

WCH Donates Cash and Footwear to Maiti Foundation

Who doesn’t know CNN Hero Anuradha Koirala also known as “Diju”, a Nepalese term for elder sister. Anuradha received the prestigious Hero Award from CNN in 2010 for her unparalleled work for saving children, girls and women who were being trafficked within and from Nepal for commercial sexual exploitation. Koirala founded Maiti Nepal with the aim of providing services for both children and women who have endured untold pain and suffering, often in silence.

“It is a tremendous honor for me to meet Diju, ever since I saw her being honored at CNN Hero, I told myself I want to be like her, to make a difference in this world. She greatly inspired me especially it was during the time I founded We Care for Humanity (WCH), a non-profit organization which advocates Education, Health, Eradication of Poverty, Green Environment and Women Empowerment.”, said Princess Maria Amor Torres, Founder and President of WCH and Chairman of the Global Order of Dignitaries and Philanthropists (G.O.D.).

Fulfilling the mission of WCH, Amor and WCH India Advisor Chetan Hora brought hundreds of footwear to the children of Maiti Foundation. Along with relief goods, the Princess also donated some cash to augment some of the daily needs of the organization. “I am grateful to Princess Maria for giving time to visit our organization and bringing inspiration and hope to our children. These survivors have suffered a tremendous deal of pain, and they need your support and all the love and care they could get from people around the world.”, pleaded by Ms. Koirala.