Wednesday, December 27, 2023

WCH and the Sultanate of Maguindanao Have Teamed Up to Provide Food Aid to Hundreds of Families in Sultan Kudarat.

Lebak, Sultan Kudarat- Amidst the vibrant landscapes of Lebak, in the province of Sultan Kudarat, another wondrous event unfolded with the help of We Care for Humanity and the Sultanate of Maguindanao. The GLOBAL SANTA MINDANAO FOOD DISTRIBUTION, 2023, an annual humanitarian endeavor, enfolded more than a hundred families in its warm embrace. The auspicious event was graced by the presence of His Majesty Sultan Salem Mastura Kudarat V, the 25th Supreme Sultan of Magindanaw, the Royal Ladies and Datus of the Sultanate. 

This initiative, held under the patronage of HRH Queen Mariam Leonor Torres Mastura, founder of WCH and the Head of the Royal House of Luzon Tagalog and the Royal Maharlika, reflects the unwavering commitment of the Sultanate to the well-being of its people in Mindanao, and of WCH to alleviate hunger.

The families that were present at the charity event were overjoyed to receive food and necessities that they otherwise might have gone without. It was heartwarming to see the smiles on the faces of the children as they received their gifts from the "Santa Claus" of humanity. 

"The event was not just about giving food, but also about spreading love and kindness in the community."- said the late Sultan of Maguindanao.

Friday, November 10, 2023

We Care for Humanity Called for an Emergency Peace Summit to Save Lives in Gaza, 21 Countries Participated


DOHA, QATAR - Slightly a month after the start of the Gaza conflict and on the morning after the civilian death toll breaching the 10,000 mark, international dignitaries of We Care for Humanity (WCH) gathered for an emergency peace summit yesterday, 09 November 2023 and joined the United Nations in calling for an urgent Humanitarian Pause in the besieged Palestinian territory. 

We Care for Humanity is the prestigious international humanitarian organization registered with the United Nations and headquartered in Westmont, Illinois in the U.S. that has actively been hosting successful events on humanism with the United Nations both in New York and Geneva, Switzerland for the past decade.

Symbolically hosted online from Qatar, the lead country in spearheading peace efforts in the Middle East, humanitarian leaders from 21 countries led by WCH founder & president HRH Maria Leonora Amor Torres Mastura have jointly voiced out their global call to stop the ongoing onslaught on innocent civilians in Gaza particularly the elderly, women and most importantly children under basic humanitarian principles of every human being’s right to live.  

In addition to the WCH country directors, peace advocates and ambassadors from the USA, UK, Qatar  Uganda, Ghana, Kenya, Malaysia, Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Egypt, Lebanon, Romania, Poland, UAE, Austria, Palestine, Vietnam, the Philippines, Pakistan and Norway, last night’s historic meeting was also attended by distinguished delegates from the United Nations Correspondents Association in Vienna (UNCAV), Sustainable Development Alliance of Ghana, the HBM Foundation of Switzerland, the Sultanate of Magindanaw of the Philippines, Tikkun Worldwide Charity of the United States, Royal Bodyguard Association of Malaysia,  to name a few and prominent humanitarians to include traditional royals, artists, bishops, doctors and scholars. 

In her opening address, WCH matriarch HRH Maria Leonora Amor Torres has underscored the kind of poison that war brings into the heart and soul of every human. "I know some of you like me don't understand the full context of this war, or maybe we refused to understand because War is poison in our hearts and soul just by hearing it, let alone being in it or surrounded by it. But, whether we understand this war or not, I know you will agree with me that thousands of people, especially children, innocent children women and children are being slaughtered beyond our comprehension because of greed, ego, hatred and revenge! But let me be clear, the purpose of this meeting is not about solving the war or finding solution to end the war. It is so complicated and very political it can cost our organization even our lives! Unfortunately, this is beyond our ability at the moment, when both parties are determined to wipe out each other, we know we cannot stop the bloodshed, but it should not be at the expense of innocent people! However, we cannot be bystanders any longer, we must break our silence and choose a side, not the the side of Israel or Hamas, but our side, the side of humanity. We must do something about this, otherwise, we should not be called We Care for Humanity at all! So, today, I summoned all of you to stand by WCH, to plead for Peace and a Humanitarian Pause and let a little humanitarianism prevail in this unforgivable war and save the remaining lives in Gaza."

From the Sultanate of Maguindanao, “Bismillahi Rahmaneer Rahim Assalamu Alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu. We express our deep sympathy and sorrow over the crises in Israel and Palestine. We grieve with the victims and their mourning families. And we pray and ask for an immediate cessation of hostilities from both parties. The SULTANATE OF MAGINDANAW MANDANAUE DARUSSALAM, PHILIPPINES is calling the attention of the UNITED NATION INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS to perform their duties and responsibilities. Indiscriminate bombings and killings of all ages especially those innocent children and women causing tremendous horrific psychological impact and thousands of deaths. We will pass a resolution addressed to the United Nation Secretary-General Antonio Gutterrez to ask/declare Humanitarian Ceasefire/Pause and pressure both ISRAEL and PALESTINE to submit/conform. We are gathered today, to coordinate and participate together with the WE CARE FOR HUMANITY to ensure the preservation of life of everyone especially the children involve is such present situation, whether Israeli or Palestinian, including foreign people based in Gaza strip. Let Us Call For Peace! Let Us Call for Humanitarian Pause! Wassalam”, stated the Secretary General, HRH Princess Ispandaria Mastura Sangki.

After hearing the sentiments and echoing calls for the restoration of humanity in Gaza by all participants from around the world, the delegates have unanimously committed to reciprocate the calls to action for a humanitarian pause for Gaza in their respective countries with the hashtags: #CallforPeace, #HumanitarianPause and #StoptheKilling.

In concluding the event, WCH Interim Country Director for Qatar Joseph Timothy Rivera orated the summit’s universally agreed  declaration now already submitted to the United Nations Secretary General:
“We, the Peace Ambassadors & International Humanitarian Volunteers of We Care for Humanity led by our President  HRH Maria Leonora Amor Torres, stand hand-in-hand with the United Nations in calling for the following actions to be implemented in Gaza: 
1. Immediate humanitarian Pause to allow much more efficient delivery of needed aid to the suffering civilians and to provide fuel to basic health & medical facilities;
2. For all sides to stop the infliction of harm to the civilian citizens of Gaza particularly the elderly, women and most especially Children ;
This global appeal in saving humanism in Gaza is part of our fundamental mission to be a catalyst for change, transforming people to becoming humanitarians, and for the fulfilment of our aim as sustainable partner of the United Nations in promoting the 17 UNSDG towards the 2030 UN Agenda.”

A poem dedicated to this cause was written by WCH Official Poet, Maureen Brindle

"These lands are soaked in blood
The ancient lands that tears flood
Is there a line in the sand,
Invisible where Peace will stand?
The lands once swept with stars,
Now rubble and battle scars.
Helping children is our role,
Peace and humanitarian aid our goal"

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

We Care for Humanity and Sultanate of Maguindanao Celebrate WCH Royal Summit's Unprecedented Success in General Santos!

WCH Royal Summit Philippines, the largest meeting of Royalty in the world took place 7th/8th October, at the Greenleaf Hotel and was a phenomenal success. We Care for Humanity's global founder, the Philippines' very own Queen of Maharlika and the Tagalog Region, Her Royal Highness Mariam Leonor Torres Mastura and the 25th Supreme Sultan of Maguindanao, His Majesty Sultan Salem Mastura Kudarat V welcomed their guests, which include the three African Kings; HRM King Nana Akomanyi Essandoh V of the Kingdom of Gomoah, Ghana, HM King Constantine Butamanya of the Kingdom of Buruuli, Uganda and HM Robert Obara Nahama III of the Kingdom of Bugwe, Uganda; also participated by His Holiness Rigzin Dorjee Rinpoche from Sikkim India, delegation from Brazil, and many guests from all over the world, who were introduced to local government officials and some of the most excellent Royalty of Philippines.

WCH Royal Summit Grand Opening began after VIP Guests took the stage for the National anthem, followed by invocations from representatives of Islam (Ustadz Ebrahim Whatteu Tinagak); Buddhism (H.H. Rigzin Dorjee Rinpoche), Christianity (Rev. Pastor Gabriel Pascual) and the Hebrew Faith (Rev. Dr. Gregory M. Rhea). Followed by the exciting Ribbon Cutting then by entertainment by the Mardi-Gras Dance Ensemble of MSU's Sining Kapabpagariya.

The Welcome Address was made by the Honorable Congressman Atty. Loreto Acharon of General Santos District followed by an introduction by WCH Founder and Chairman Queen Mariam. Opening Remarks were given by Co-Chariman HM Abdulaziz Salem Mastura Kudarat V and Chief Guests: Col. Nicomedes Olaivai Jr., City Director, PNP General Santos City, other Chief Guests and members of the royal family, HRH Crown Prince Datu Mamuar Mastura and HRH Prince Datu Zulkarnain Mastura.

A Press Conference was held prior Lunch initiated by local journalists and media outlets focusing the purpose and benefits of the event and the roles and interests of the international delegation. The WCH and the Sultanate explained that this summit aims to promote universal peace, humanitarianism and economic development. 

One of the highlights of the summit, the Mindanao Investment Forum featured H.E. Dr. Franco Nicoletti who presented on Environment, Recycling and Security, while Rev. Dr. Gregory M. Rhea introduced the World Builders Philippines program and his company, Platinum Elements Holdings, Dr. Francisco Humberto De Freitas Azevedo on Health and Cancer Technology and Ms. Angelina Vo on USA Immigration. Lastly, Engr Ysmael Maulana presented the Sultanate of Maguindanao Projects. 

The evening Gala Dinner commenced by the magnificent Royal Grand Entrance parading world class traditional royal attire of various royal clans of the Philippines and international guests.  And immediately followed by Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Signing For Peace, Friendship and Collaboration between the Sultanate of  Maguindanao, WCH, Constitutional Monarchs of Africa and other global organizations.

For the main event, the Coronation of the Men and Women of the Year was presented featuring the crownees: Ms. Ana Cristi Santos Pangilinan (Philippines), Ms. Angelina Vo (Vietnam), Ms. Nilza Maria Da Silva Soares (Brazil), Bai Fatima Lepoles Abdulrakman (Philippines), Ms. Shirley Pontes (Brazil), Bai Guiamalia Macaumbang Abo (Philippines), Ms. Maria Cristina Torres Ayungao (Philippines), Ms.Seyedeh Shirin Vafaeian (Iran), Ms. Thais Martins De Queiroz (Brazil), Bai Tharhata D. Ampatuan (Philippines), Rey John Lorca (Philippines). Ms. Vafaeian from Iran won the National Dress competition while Ms. Thais from Brazil got the Best in Evening Gown award! 

After dinner, the Induction Ceremony of new WCH Officials took place headed by HRH Queen Mariam, while the Sultan Kudarat Descendants Organization of the Philippines (SKDOP) also inducted 33 new officers initiated Datu Zulkarnain Mastura.  New Cabinet members were knighted during the Maharlika Royal Investiture featuring Datu Jordan Nirankari Bowen from Poland, Datu Mohamad Firdaus from Malaysia and  Bae Huong Vo “Shirley” Yeshi Lamo from USA and Vietnam.

Day 2 begins with the WCH Humanitarian Forum- Moderated by: HRH Queen Mariam discussing the important humanitarian issues of our time. Sultan Kudarat Youth Descendants Organization of the Philippines (SKYDOP) Youth Forum was also included which discussed how to solve the issue of Child Marriages. The Evening Gala Red Carpet cumulated in the traditional Royal Grand Entrance leading to the Royal Maharlika Knighting and Awards. The Honorees are HRH King Robert Obara Nahama III; H.E. Dr. Franco Nicoletti; Rev. Dr. Gregory M. Rhea; Dr. Wellington De Queiroz; Dr. Francisco Humberto De Freitas Azevedo. 

Finally, the Sultanate of Maguindanao headed by the Supreme Sultan Salem Mastura initiated the elegant Royal Enthronement of new Traditional Leaders starting with Datu Talib Macaumbang Abo Jr., Bai Guiamalia Macaumbang Abo, and Datu Talib Abo III, accompanied with the declaration of Royal House of Pagadian. Another enthronee  was Bai Nalong Mamadsual Mastura. The same procedure has happened to HRH Queen Mariam during her enthronement of new titles as Bai Mompong (Princess of Peace and Unity)  with the Declaration of the Royal House of CALABARZON and Chivalric Order of Maguindanao and Maharlika. 

Day 3 WCH & Sultanate of Maguindanao Charity Food Distribution to 100 families

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

WCH and Royal Maharlika Launches the WCH Royal Summit, Philippines in Collaboration with the Sultanate of Maguindanao

The three big institutions namely We Care for Humanity, the Royal Maharlika and the Sultanate of Magindanaw (Maguindanao) Mandanaue Darussalam are gearing up for the upcoming WCH Royal Summit, Philippines which will be held on October 7 and 8, 2023 at the Greenleaf Hotel in General Santos, Philippines.

According to the Supreme Sultan of Maguindanao, His Majesty Abdulaziz Salem Mastura Kudarat V, “This is the first time that this caliber of event will happen in Mindanao which will benefit the Sultanate and the people in Mindanao especially in promoting peace among nations and indigenous people. We are in support of the mission of our Queen of Maharlika and Princess of CALABARZON, our very own HRH Mariam Leonora Torres Mastura, the founder and chairman of the summit”.

The WCH Royal Summit dubbed as the biggest gathering of dignitaries and traditional leaders is a conglomeration of flagship events by We Care For Humanity and the Royal Maharlika since 2013. The summits are held in different nations and encompasses the advocacies of both organizations to create a larger impact to humanity.

“We are very proud of what has become of all our events combined. We created a greater synergy among our supporters, followers, and beneficiaries by interrelating our programs and celebrating them in different countries.”, the Princess said. She added, “The success of our summit in Dubai last 18th of June just proved that the WCH Royal Summit has become an institution for excellence and manifestation of global partnerships and humanitarian interventions”.

The WCH Royal Summit, Philippines is expected to welcome world leaders, Kings and Queens from Africa, Asia and even Europe and many notable guests from more than 30 countries. The summit will feature the following events:

Sunday, July 23, 2023

WCH And Sultanate Of Maguindanao Sign Treaty Of Partnership And Cooperation, Queen Mariam Assumes Foreign Minister Post At The Sultanate


WCH and Sultanate of Maguindanao Sign Treaty of Partnership and Cooperation, Queen Mariam Assumes Foreign Minister Post at the Sultanate

Video Link:

While on her humanitarian Asian tour, the Founder of We Care for HumanityMariam Amor Leonora Torres, Queen of Maharlika International and Princess of CALABARZON made a life-changing trip to General Santos, Mindanao to reunite with the 25th Legitimate Supreme Sultan of Maguindanao (Magindanaw) Mandaue, Darussalam, His Majesty Abdulaziz Salem Mastura Kudarat V and the Mastura Clan to sign a Memorandum of Understanding of Partnership and Cooperation.

The main objective of the partnership is to promote economic growth in Mindanao thereby improving the quality of life of the people, and to promote the culture of the Sultanate of Maguindanao globally.

Along with the historical MOU signing was the auspicious appointment of Queen Mariam as the Foreign Minister of the Sultanate in which all foreign dealings of the kingdom will be handled by her office.

The promising day also featured the Royal Adoption of the Princess of CALABARZON as part of the Mastura Clan. Sultan Salem Mastura, Datu Muamar Mastura and Datu Zulkairnain Mastura, all sons of the 24th Supreme Sultan of Maguindanao, the late Sultan Guiwan Mastura kudarat IV, attested the royal adoption and declared the new title of the Princess as BAI MOMPONG SA MAGINDANAW, Princess of Unity, a sanctified traditional title she inherited from the deceased member of the Sultanate. 

The Consent adoption contains “I, HM ABDULAZIZ SALEM D. MASTURA KUDARAT V, of legal age, widower, Filipino, temperate at all times and in full possession of my mental powers, the Supreme Legitimate Sultan of Magindanaw, Mandanue Darus-salam, Mindanao, Philippines have this day adopted MARIA LEONORA TORRES, Queen of Maharlika Philippines International and Princess of CALABARZON and believing that it would be for her own interest and benefit of the Sultanate of Magindanaw, my family and siblings and for our We Care for Humanity (WCH) worldwide, I hereby give my written consent freely, and voluntarily that said MARIA LEONORA TORRES be adopted as the daughter of the Sultanate of Magindanaw in accordance with our Muslim Customs and Traditions.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I affixed my signature on the 16th day of July 2023 in Cotabato City, Mindanao, Philippines.”

Amor, now called by her legal royal name, MARIA LEONORA TORRES MASTURA recited her vows to embrace Islam. Rajamudah Marvin Ingkong, Rajahmuda sa Sugoda Buayan officiated the said ceremony.

Among the Mastura Clan present at the auspicious affair apart from the Sultan were: Crown Prince-HRH Datu Muamar Mastura and his family, SKDOP President-HRH Datu Zulkarnain Mastura and family, SKYDOP President and son of the Sultan- Datu Camarod Mastura and family, Secretary General of the Sultanate- HRH Princess Spandaria Mastura Sangki and family, Royal Princess sa Magindanaw- HRH Princess Febraida Mastura Matalam, Rajah Bai sa Magindanaw-HRH Princess Jasma Mastura Karon, Bai Laga sa Magindanaw- HRH Princess Harjida Mastura Karon, Rajah Putri sa Baruin- Engr. Merriam Dimalen. A few royal guests from General Santos also attended the event.

Sunday, July 2, 2023

The 25th Supreme Sultan Of Maguindanao Addressed World Leaders And Royals At The WCH Royal Summit In Dubai

The 25th Supreme Sultan of Maguindanao Addressed World Leaders and Royals at the WCH Royal Summit in Dubai

The reigning Supreme Sultan of Maguindanao Mandanaue Darus-salam, His Majesty Abdulaziz Salem Mastura Kudarat V addressed the audience of the very successful WCH Royal Summit attended by world leaders, royals from Africa and Asia, Emirati Sheikhs, and other illustrious personalities last 18th of June at the Pullman Hotel in Dubai.

As the official Royal Kingdom partner of We Care for Humanity and Royal Maharlika, the Sultanate of Maguindanao led by His Majesty Abdulaziz Salem Mastura Kudarat V and his entourage; Her Royal Highness Princess Febraida Mastura Matalam, Her Royal Highness Princess Ispandaria Mastura Sangki, Her Royal Highness Princess Harjida Mastura Karon, Her Royal Highness Princess Jasma Mastura Karon, His Highness Engineer Shayed Panduma Mamayog- Sultan of Tukuran, Zamboanga del Sur, Philippines and Bae Noiraida B Bago Ampatuan played important roles as Chief Guests and participated in all the featured events of the summit.

The founder of the WCH Royal Summit, Her Royal Highness Maria Amor Torres, the Queen of Maharlika and Princes of Calabarzon of the Sultanate of Maguindanao expressed immense gratitude, “I am beyond elated by having the presence of all these important people who are catalysts and leaders of change, under one roof, holding hands with We Care for Humanity building a more philanthropic world”. She added, “and especially with the participation of the royal family, the Sultanate of Maguindanao and our beloved Supreme Sultan Salem Mastura, who, despite his condition is here right now, in unity with all of us”.

Among the notable guests of the summit were: His Excellency Professor Ivo Josipovic- 3rd President of Croatia, His Excellency Filip Vujanovic- 1st President of the Republic of Montenegro and 3rd President of Montenegro, His Royal Highness King Mwogezi Butamanya- King of Buruuli, Uganda and Chairman of the Uganda Cultural Kings’ Forum, His Royal Majesty King Nana Akomanyi Essandoh V – Ruler of Gomoa Odumase Ghana, His Excellency Sheikh Mohamed Hassan Al Mehairi- Chairman & Senior Partner at Amana Solicitors Real Estate Registration Trustee, Dubai, Her Royal Highness Souma Sisowath- One of the Princesses of the Kingdom of Cambodia, Dr. Udit Raj- Chairman, Unorganized Workers Congress, India and Dr. Chenraj Roychand- Chairman and Chancellor of Jain University.

In His Majesty’s words: 

“Bismillahi Rahmanir Raheem. First and foremost, all divine praises and glorifications are due to Allah s.w.t. for all his blessings bestowed upon us and for giving us another episode in our lives in celebrating this Dubai, United Arab Emirates summit. to the participants from African kingdoms, some European kingdoms and the Middle East participation and Asian kingdoms and our illustrious personalities all over the world my greetings of peace to each and everyone. Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh (peace be upon him) and good morning! 

This WCH Royal Summit is a conglomeration of events thereby acknowledging good deeds of individuals focusing concern on humanitarian activities spearheaded by (wch) We Care For Humanity globally by our chosen Queen Maria Leonora Amor Torres at the same time the Princess of Calabarzon, Philippines. We truly appreciate the important role that religious and cultural leaders like ours, the Sultanate of Maguindanao Mandanaue Darus-Salam, Philippines plays in building an environment of peace and development worldwide for humanitarianism is one of the fundamental principles of Islam where giving and helping are forms of worship. With these humanitarian approach/concern, an inclination of passion and benevolence to serve more to the needy are becoming rapid and earnest.

We are therefore obliged to strengthen collaboration with our group to attain our goal (mission & vision). and we are here to build camaraderie and seek more opportunities in helping our brothers and sisters alleviate their suffering and save more people’s lives. That is what Islam taught us and the sole purpose of human existence.

Long live our participants in this prestigious event. Thank you very much and Allah s.w.t. bless us all, including our former political leaders who grace this occasion with their presence,” a well applauded speech by Sultan.

Sultan Salem came from the unbroken royal lineage of Sharif Kabungsuwan, the very first Sultan of Maguindanao which started in year 1515.


Sunday, June 25, 2023

Wch Royal Summit Ignited Humanitarian Interventions By World Leaders And Royals In Dubai

WCH Royal Summit Ignited Humanitarian Interventions by World Leaders and Royals in Dubai
(R-L) Queen of Maharlika- HRH Maria Torres from the Philippines, H.E. Filip Vujanovic from Montenegro, H.E. Ivo Josipovic from Croatia, HRH Princess Souma Sisowath from Cambodia, HM Nana Akomanyi Essandoh V from Ghana, Mr. Emami Oladi from Sri Lanka, Dr. Tariq Nizami from USA and the 3 Princesses of the Sultanate of Maguindanao, Philippines, HRH Febraida Matalam, HRH Harjida Karon and HRH Jasma Karon.

The majestic WCH Royal Summit convened by the Queen of Maharlika, HRH Maria Amor Torres, hosted by We Care for Humanity (WCH) and the Royal Maharlika in collaboration with the Sultanate of Maguindanao was sublimely celebrated in Dubai, known as the Venice of the Gulf last 18th of June 2023 at the Pullman Hotel in Deira City Centre.

The WCH Royal Summit, a conglomeration of events has officially begun by a historic ribbon-cutting in the morning and has featured the WCH Humanitarian Forum filled with eminent personalities. The evening program showcased the Royal Maharlika Awards and Knighting, the Men & Women of the Year, and all-day Trade and Art Exhibit. The whole event was glorified by the presence of chief guests and presenters of awards: former heads of states His Excellency Professor Ivo Josipovic- the 3rd President of Croatia, His Excellency Filip Vujanovic- the 1st President of the Republic of Montenegro and 3rd President of Montenegro, His Majesty Sultan Salem Abulaziz Mastura Kudarat V- the 25th Supreme Sultan of Maguindanao, His Majesty Mwogezi Butamanya- the King of Isaburuli, Uganda, His Excellency Sheikh Mohamed Hassan Al Mehairi- Chairman & Senior Partner at Amana Solicitors Real Estate Registration Trustee, Dubai, Dr. Udit Raj-  former MP and Chairman,  Unorganized Workers Congress, India, Dr. Chenraj Roychand- Chairman and Chancellor of Jain University and the three Princesses of Maguindanao- HRH Princess Febraida Mastura Matalam, HRH Princess Harjida Karon and HRH Princess Jasma Karon.

The WCH Humanitarian Forum; a gathering of world and traditional leaders, corporate sectors, industry, and academic experts to bring humanitarian interventions on the most difficult issues humanity is facing had initiated topics on Topic#1- Women in Leadership: Breaking Barriers and Empowering Change, Topic#2- Education and Learning: Unlocking Opportunities for All, and Topic #3- Mental Health: It’s Role in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals.

A conferment of Royal Maharlika Knights- the protector of the earth, builders of peace and warriors of change known as the Royal Maharlika Awards and Knighting has knighted His Royal Majesty King Nana Akomanyi Essandoh V – Ruler of Gomoa Odumase Ghana, Her Royal Highness Souma Sisowath- one of the Princesses of the Kingdom of Cambodia, Dr. Tariq Ahmed Nizami- Founder, CEO Clubs Network Worldwide, and Mr. Emami Oladi- a member of Chamber of Commerce of Iran.

The Men & Women of the Year; a coronation of men and women who possessed beauty and philanthropic qualities with its mantra “humanitarians wear crowns” has crowned the following personalities: Dr. Moon Mukerjee, Ms. Esha Thakar, Ms. Lynn Velasco, Ms. Daylinda Ramirez Architect Rashmi Kamble Chandekar, Rev. Pastora Rizaline Torres Pascual, Ms. Rosanah Abejo, Ms. Tasneem Rehmani, Ms. Jessy Magadia, Ms. Latha Palthi, Ms. Maria Abbassi, Rev. Pastor Gabriel Pascual, and Mr. Sean Bardoo. 

Among the local glittering guests who graced the event were Mr. Yaqoob Al Ali- Exe. Director & Private Advisor-Office of Sheikh Juma Bin Maktoum Al Maktoum, Yousif Naeemat- Discover ME Publishing, Mr. Farhan Shahid, Director of Project Development of Senses, Misook Jung of Gulf Korean Times, Maggie Wilson, Tim Connor and Glorianne Montefrio. 

Video Link:

HRH Queen Maria Amor has launched her “Faces of Innocence” art exhibit at the Trade and Art Exhibit; a business exchange and public display of international products, services, cultural handicrafts open for global market. Exhibitors such as Oweavers Mill & Mommas Bazaar, Avaa Perfumes, Byjus, Home Tutorial FZCO, Le Fleur, ITS General Trading, Zurich, Ayala Land and Forever Living have garnered exposures at the event.

Serenaded the crowd was 11-year-old Marc, the Sentimental Crooner and the Fusion Kids who delivered a heart-pumping performance, while Reverend Pastor Pascual led the Christian invocation, Sultan Engr Shayed Panduma Mamayog and Venerable Khen Rinpoche Phurba Dorjee recited the Muslim and Buddhist prayers.

The partners who had been very instrumental to the success of the event were The Sultanate of Maguindanao- The Royal partner of WCH and the Royal Maharlika, Jain University- the partner of WCH for Education for Humanity, Events for Change- one the organizers of this event, WeTel TV- the official Media Partner of the WCH Royal Summit whose CEO Professor Adil Matin received the Queen of Maharlika Medal of Honor, other media partners: Pinoy Lens Photography, TBon Productions AUH, The Beaurocrat Magazine, Diverse Queen, D’Portal, JOGS- Jesus Our Great Savior, Suzan Aderha – make-up artist and Saint Lizzie’s.

The Queen of Maharlika adjourned the summit with a heart-warming vote of thanks to all who contributed to the success of the event especially to the main organizers: Devani Pascual- WCH Country Director in UAE, Mika Cabaluna- CEO of Events for Change, and Bon Calunsag, PR officer of WCH UAE.

Friday, June 23, 2023

WCH Ambassador, Sean Bardoo Leads the Laptops for Humanity Program of We Care for Humanity

We Care for Humanity (WCH) launched the Laptops for Humanity program in 2023 which aims to bridge the digital divide by providing access to technology for those who may not have the means to afford it. By equipping marginalized individuals with laptops, WCH empowers them with the tools needed to succeed in today's technology-driven world. Through Laptops for Humanity, WCH strives to create opportunities for education, skill development, and economic advancement, ultimately paving the way for a brighter future for these individuals and their communities. 

To lead this program, WCH Founder Queen Maria Amor Leonor Torres Mastura appointed WCH Human Rights Ambassador Sean Bardoo to facilitate the program. Sean, with his background in law and experience as a radio commentator, brings a unique perspective to the Laptops for Humanity program. His dedication to human rights and his passion for making a positive impact on society make him the perfect leader for this initiative. Through his dedication, the program has seen great success in reaching those in need in Uganda and Kenya and providing them with the necessary tools to thrive in an increasingly digital world.

"As the program continues to expand, we are confident that the Laptops for Humanity initiative will touch more lives and make a lasting difference in communities worldwide", said Torres. 

With the support of dedicated individuals like Sean Bardoo and the vision of Queen Maria Amor Leonor Torres Mastura, WCH is committed to creating a brighter future for all through the power of technology and education. Together, they can bridge the digital divide and empower marginalized individuals to reach their full potential.

Friday, April 28, 2023

WCH Founder Visits Ivory Coast to Promote Education for Humanity (E4H)

WCH Founder Queen Amor Leonor Torres recently journeyed to Côte d'Ivoire as part of the Education for Humanity (E4H) Program African Tour, accompanied by Jain University's Foreign Admission Manager, Mr. Santosh Chowdhury.

As the head of the delegation, Torres, also known as the Traveling Queen, held productive discussions with key stakeholders in higher education, academia, and Traditional Chiefs under the guidance of WCH partner, the Human Development Association (HUDAS) headed by Mrs. Alina OUATTARA, located in Côte d'Ivoire.

The Education for Humanity (E4H) initiative seeks to provide scholarships to disadvantaged Ivorian students, enabling them to pursue higher education or vocational training.

During her visit, the Queen took time to visit an organization supporting vulnerable groups such as street children, orphans, juvenile inmates, and widows. Here, she brought joy to the children by providing both sustenance and essential supplies.

"We are dedicated to coming back to Ivory Coast soon to continue our humanitarian work," were her final words before departing from Ivory Coast.

Friday, April 21, 2023

Queen Maria Inaugurates First Water for Humanity Project in Kenya

Kitui/Kenya - We Care for Humanity (WCH) initiated the Water for Humanity project in Kenya, led by Queen Mariam Leonor Torres Mastura, alongside Dr. Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka (10th Vice President of Kenya), Hon. Gideon Mulyungi, and Hon. Irene Kasalu, as well as the local residents of Tita, Katuluni, and Waita ward, Mwingi Central.

During the project launch, former Vice President Musyoka highlighted the importance of providing clean water access to communities in need. The collaboration between WCH and local leaders demonstrated a shared commitment to enhancing the lives of residents in the region.

Queen Maria's dedication to the cause was reflected in her address, where she highlighted the tangible benefits of the project, “although it is a modest project, it will benefit 3000 residents, 800 donkeys, 600 cows, and over 3,000 goats in this area. We plan to initiate more Water for Humanity Projects to support women and girls who travel long distances in search of water during dry seasons.”

Looking ahead, the WCH founder envisioned implementing additional Water for Humanity Projects to alleviate the struggles of women and girls who must travel long distances to find water, particularly in dry periods.

The collaborative and compassionate spirit showcased at the inauguration event sets a positive tone for future efforts aimed at improving water accessibility and enhancing the quality of life for communities in Kenya and beyond.

Thursday, February 9, 2023

The Only Legitimate Supreme Sultan Of Mindanao Honored As Royal Man Of Asia

The Only Legitimate Supreme Sultan of Mindanao Honored as Royal Man of Asia
HRH Queen Mariam Leonora Torres, HM Sultan Salem Mastura Kudarat V, HRH Princess Jasma Mastura Karon, HRH Princess Harjida Karon (left to right)
The Royal Maharlika extended its philanthropic awards to His Majesty Sultan Salem Mastura Kudarat V as ROYAL MAN OF ASIA, confirmed by the 3rd President of Croatia, H.E. Ivo Josipovich, the former President of Ecuador, H.E. Rosalia Arteaga and HRH Queen Maria Leonora Amor Torres.

The Royal Maharlika, a non-profit organization based in USA with branches in the Philippines and Europe recently held an extension of its 2nd Royal Maharlika Awards last January 14, 2023 at Apo View Hotel in Davao city during the enthronement of HRH Mariam Leonora Torres, the Queen of Maharlika International and Princess of Calabarzon.

“Our aim is to unite all the Kingdoms and Tribes of the world towards peace and developments, to advocate the rights of the indigenous groups and the cultural minorities and be the voice of freedom and sustainable green environment to the United Nations. Thus, we honor those who individuals or groups who possess greatness and excellence in the fields of philanthropy, science, arts, business and diplomacy through the Royal Maharlika Awards,” says the founder and chairman of the Royal Maharlika and We Care for Humanity.

One of the major award titles of the said award- the ROYAL MAN OF ASIA, was bestowed to the reigning 25th Sultan of Magindanao Mandanue Darussalam also hailed as the Supreme Sultan of Mindanao, His Majesty Sultan Salem Abdulaziz Guiwan Mastura Kudarat V, the 5th descendant of Sultan Muhammad Dipatuan Kudarat who ruled Magindanaw from 1619 to 1671 and was declared by the late president Ferdinand E. Marcos as a national hero and the most powerful ruler of Mindanao during his time.

Sultan Salem, being a direct descendant of the Kudarat clan inherited the biggest role of his life as the head of the Sultanate of Magindanaw (Mindanao) Mandanaue Darussalam with independent sovereignty covering almost the whole Mindanao state and some parts of Luzon and Visayas regions. He is the son of the late Sultan Abdulaziz Guiwan Mastura Kudarat IV, a powerful leader in Mindanao, former Governor and twice Mayor of Lebak and Palimbang.

Salem is a highly respected Sultan, loved by so many for his dedication and advocacy in peace, preservation of culture and economic development. He graduated with degrees in Bachelor of Arts in Far Eastern University and Bachelor of Law in Notre Dame University, Mindanao and actively promoting the mission and vision of the Sultanate as well as the Sultan Kudarat Descendants Organization of the Philippines (SKDOP), Inc., a non-profit organization established to execute the humanitarian goals of the Sultanate. “Our aim is to restore peace and order, eradicate poverty and promote the culture of Mindanao”, proudly said by Sultan Salem in his acceptance speech.

The Royal Maharlika also extended its philanthropic awards, to SKDOP as ROYAL ORGANIZATION OF ASIA received by HRH Datu Zukarnaine Mastura (brother of Sultan Salem), to the Royal Ladies as ROYAL WOMEN EMPOWERMENT ORGANIZATION OF THE YEAR received by HRH Princess Febraida Mastura Matalam, the Royal Princess of Magindanaw,  HRH Princess Harjida Mastura Karon (Bailaga sa Magindanaw) and HRH Princess Jasma mastura Karon (Rajabai sa Magindanaw), and lastly the  Sultan Kudarat Youth Descendants Organization (SKYDOP), Inc. as ROYAL YOUTH ORGANIZATION OF THE YEAR received by Camarod Mastura (son of Sultan Salem). The awards were confirmed and signed by the 3rd President of Croatia, H.E. Ivo Josipovich and the former President of Ecuador, H.E. Rosalia Arteaga

Sultan Salem Mastura Kudarat V, is expected to propagate the realm of the Sultanate not only locally but internationally with the help of his brother, HRH Datu Muamar Mastura Kudarat, the Crown Prince of the Sultanate of Magindanaw and Tarsila Bearer of Magindanaw, His Majesty’s Cabinet members, the Royal Ladies of Magindanaw and the Queen of Maharlika International and Princess of Calabarzon, Maria Leonora Amor Torres. 

Sunday, January 29, 2023

The Royal Sultanate Of Maguindanao Crowns The Queen Of Maharlika International And Princess Of Calabarzon


The Royal Sultanate of Maguindanao Crowns the Queen of Maharlika International and Princess of Calabarzon

Video Link:

Succeeding the much talked about royal enthronement and Royal Maharlika Summit last 12th of December 2022 at the Sofitel Philippine Plaza Hotel, organized by We Care for Humanity in collaboration with the Philippine Department of Tourism (DOT) and Philippine Economic Zone Authrority (PEZA), another enthronement was held at the heart of Davao city, at the renown Apo View Hotel last January 14, 2023, organized by the Royal Sultanate of Magindanaw, Mandanaue Darussalam, a member of the World Federation of Traditional Kings.

Maria Leonora Torres, the founder of We Care for Humanity, the Greatest Humanitarians of the World and the Royal Maharlika International was proclaimed twice in the above-mentioned events as Queen of Maharlika Philippines and as Princess of Calabarzon by the reigning Supreme Sultan of Magindanaw (Mindanao), His Majesty Sultan Salem Abdulazis Mastura Kudarat V, along with his cabinet members, the SKDOP Inc, and the Royal Ladies: HRH Royale Princess Febraida Mastura Matalam, the Royal Princess of Magindanaw, HRH Princess Harjida Mastura Karon, Bailaga sa Magindanaw and HRH Princess Jasma mastura Karon, Rajabai sa Magindanaw.

The glittering evening started solemnly with an invocation by Rajah Muda Marvin Ingkong– Rajahmuda of Sugudabuayan, followed by a lively Introduction by Datu Joel Bustamante– Davao Secretary General of the Sultanate of Magindanaw and Chairman of SKDOP in Davao. His Highness Datu Zukarnaine Mastura, President of Sultan Kudarat Descendants Organization of the Philippines (SKDOP), Inc. gave an inspiring Welcome Address while HRH Datu Muamar Mastura, the Crown Prince of the Sultanate of Magindanaw explained the Genealogy of the Sultanate (Tarsilla).

His Majesty Sultan Salem delivered enlightening words of wisdom and reiterates: “We at the Sultanate follow strictly the royal protocol handed to us by our ancestors, that only the highest leader of a sultanate with sovereign jurisdiction like ours can bestow royal titles to people of nobility, same bloodlines and individuals who have unprecedented humanitarian merits,” and added “Thus, I am very proud to confirm Maria Leonora Torres with Traditional titles as Queen of Maharlika International and Princess of Calabarzon.”

Video Link:

The royal enthronee received messages of support from HRH Princess Febraida Mastura Matalam, Datu Rolando Abdul Aziz Olamit (MNLF Davao City State Chairman, Sultanate Region XI), Datu Abdulhamid Marvin Ingkong, Sultan Allan Manuel (Sultan of Davao), Sultan Datu Mosarel Daligdigan (Sultan Mangigin of Zamboanga Peninsula), Datu Dimalub Namil (Monari sa Magindanaw Biwang), Sultan Abdulrakman Maug (Sultan of Davao del Norte).

In her acceptance speech, the new Queen of Maharlika Intl and Princess Calabarzon said, “I am eternally grateful to His Majesty Sultan Salem and the whole Sultanate for the trust and confidence, and to the Royal ladies who showed me love and kindness during this whole process of organizing this event and knowing that I have new friends and sisters for life.” She ends by saying “mark my word, I will carry the banner of the sultanate, the SKDOP, the Royal Ladies and the SKYDOP to the United Nations”.

In the same event, the Royal Maharlika extended its philanthropic awards to His Majesty Sultan Salem as ROYAL MAN OF ASIA, to SKDOP as ROYAL ORGANIZATION OF ASIA, to the Royal Ladies as ROYAL WOMEN EMPOWERMENT ORGANIZATION OF THE YEAR and to Sultan Kudarat Youth Descendants Organization (SKYDOP), Inc. as ROYAL YOUTH ORGANIZATION OF THE YEAR. The awards were confirmed and signed by the 3rd President of Croatia, H.E. Ivo Josipovich and the former President of Ecuador, H.E. Rosalia Arteaga

Queen Maria wishes to thanks the following members of the Sultanate who attended the event:


1. Datu Abdulhamid Marvin Ingkong- Rajahmuda sa Sugudabuayan

2. Datu Odin Api

3. Datu Aheren Dambong

4. Datu Ramir Lacaba

5. Datu Khalipa

6. Datu Anjam

7. Bai Elyn ingkong- Putri sa Macador sa Magindanaw ( wife of Rajahmuda Marvin)


1. Princess Febraida Lauban Mastura Matalam- Royal Princess of Royal Sultanate of Magindanaw

2. Princess Jasma Mastura Karon- Rajahbai sa Magindanaw

3. Princess Harjida Mastura Karon- Bai Laga sa Magindanaw

4. Bai Susan S. Samad- Bai Labi sa meti sa MaMagindanaw

5. Bai Mila Mastura Maulana- Bai Labi sa Lakungan

6. Bai Hanna Abubakar- Bai Manguda Timan sa Kutawato, Magindanaw

7. Bai Sadie Samal- Royal lady of Magindanaw

8. Engr. Bai Meriam Dimalen- Putri sa Baruin

9. Bai Helen B. Ayao- Bai Pindulonan sa Magindanaw

10. Bai Jovaira Kamid- Bai Sampulna sa Dumolog

11. Bai Anabelle Sultan Esmael- Shariah lawyer

12. Bai Norah Mamariong- Shariah lawyer

13. Bai Linang Dimacompas- Bai Labi sa Parang Padang, Padang

14. Bai Monera Abas Sinsuat- Putri Babak sa Dikaya, Kabuntalan

15. Bai Neelah K. Sinsuat

16. Bai Sittie Normina- Bai Labi sa Buldon

17. Bai azisa Insani Lauban

18. Bai Lorenda Angas Mastura

19. Bai Baican Datu Taba

20. Bai Jusol Asiquin Mastura

21. Bai Hajar Mastura

22. Bai Alee Mastura

23. Miss Josephine Braceros Camsa

24. Bai Alibai Tecoken

25. Bai Bessie Tatak Utto-Rajah Putri sa LLakungan sa Buayan

26. Bai Gloria Lauban-Putri ng Kabuntalan


1. Sultan Salem Abdulazis Salem Mastura kudarat V- the 25th Sultan of Magindanaw

2. Datu Muammar D. Mastura- Crown Prince of Magindanaw, Chairman of Genealogy and Screening Committee 

3. Datu Zulkarnaine D. Mastura- SKDOP President

4. Datu Habib Mastura- SKDOP Secretary General

5. Engr. datu Abubacar M. Datumanong

6. Datu Guiambangan Asim- Former Director of Post Office

7. Datu jordan Abas Sinsuat- Datu Dikaya III

8. Prof. Dr. abubakar Ali- Datu sa Slangan

9. Dr. Amor Pendaliday, Phd

10. Datu Abdulgani Abubakar- Datu Manguda Timan sa Kutawato Magindanaw

11. Datu Edris Diocolano- Watamama Sanday

12. Datu Fred Uy- Marajalaida sa Salmen Magindanaw

13. Datu Carnain Sabpa- Datu sa Lama-lama

14. Datu Jerry Obregon- Datu sa Obial, Kalamansig 

15. Datu Romeo Sampiano

16. Datu Dianalan Alandoni- Amerol sa Serupa sa Magindanaw

17. Datu Nor-Husain Matalam

18. Datu datun Lauban Mastura

19. Datu Benzar D. Mastura

20. Datu Muba D. Mastura

21. Sultan Allan Manuel from Mati Davao Oriental

22. Sultan Abdulralman Maug- Davao del Norte

23. Bai Sonia- Bai Labi sa Region 11

24. Sultan Abdul Mawla Camamara III- Davao City

25. Sultan Abdul Baser Dowani Bago- Davao City

26. Datu Joel Bustamante- Secretary General, Region 11

27. Datu Larry Cobauio- Overall Datu, Region 11

28. Datu Morsalin Vicente- Overall All Datu, Mati

29. Datu Muktar Naga- Davao del sur

30. Datu Abdul Gafur Pandian- Consultant of Sultanate, Region 11

31. Hon. Jaynor Macadawan- Political Consultant, Regional 11

32. Commissioner Dalisay Macadawan- NCMF Women Sector

33. Deputy Nicanor Bobby Mohammad- deputy Mayor Kagan tribe Davao City