Monday, April 20, 2020

Sap Fico Consultant Celebrates Birthday In A Humanitarian Way With WCH

WCH Founder, Maria Amor’s younger sister Maria Cristina Torres Ayungao celebrates her birthday by doing a Feeding Program

Video Link:

In this period of COVID-19 where quarantines and lockdowns overwhelm incredible hunger in poor communities, what better way to celebrate one’s birthday than to share food even in the simplest way. We Care for Humanity (WCH) conducts FEEDING PROGRAMS in more than 10 countries including Philippines as part of their project-WCH FIGHT AGAINST COVID-19.

Maria Cristina Torres Ayungao, born May 11 of 1970, successfully celebrated her birthday by undertaking a Feeding Program in a depressed community sponsored by WCH. Last 10th of May 2020, Cristina, with the help of her children and in-laws distributed 250 packs of meals in Pitogo, Makati. They served lunch consists of rice and Filipino favorite viand, Menudo.

Cristina, a younger sibling of WCH Founder and President, Sultana Princess Maria Amor Torres is a SAP FICO Consultant by profession and has had 13 years of experience working with big companies like GLOBE Telecoms, Robinsons Land Corporation, Jollibee Food Corporation, Procter & Gamble (P&G) under Hewlett and Packard Phils. (HP) and IT Managers and many more.

Sultana Maria shares her appreciation of her sister, “I am very fortunate to have been born in a philanthropic family. My sister, Cristina is a natural humanitarian since childhood, always ready to help and has desires to do bigger things for humanity in the future. She is a big support to WCH’s endeavors especially in the Philippines. We are grateful and very proud of her accomplishments as a professional, a mother, a sister and a spiritual person.”

Other Torres siblings, Rizaline Irene and Ferdinand also extended their birthday wishes for Cristina, who is currently staying in Makati with her US based daughter- Krishna Lou and newly graduate son- Niles Kim. Her husband, Francisco Ayungao is presently working in Singapore as a manager in a food chain company. 

WCH FEEDING PROGRAMS are happening in Bangladesh, Egypt, India, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Uganda and Tunisia.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Asia’s Woman Of The Year Receives Honorary Doctorate In Public Administration

"8th G.O.D. Awards’s
 Woman of the Year,
 H.E. Iv Sry receives
 Honorary Doctorate in Public
 Administration from
Asia Euro University in Cambodia

In the morning of 07 April 2020, Asia Euro University, Cambodia conferred the Honorary Doctorate Degree to H.E. Dr. Iv Sry, Advisor to Ministry of Interior with the rank in equivalence to Secretary of State, in recognition of her tremendous contributions to the Kingdom of Cambodia as well as her commitment to support all sort of humanitarian works nationwide. 

The conferment was conducted successfully in the presence of University rector, Dean of graduate school and steering committee and Special representatives of research department from the Ministry of Education.

In 2019, Sry received the Asia’s Woman of the year Award in Los Angeles bestowed by the Global Order of Dignitaries and Philanthropists (G.O.D.) Awards, organized by We Care for Humanity (WCH). She was honored along side world leaders and dignitaries and presented awards to by former president of Croatia, H.E. Ivo Josipovic abd former president of Ecuador, H.E. Rosalia Arteaga.

We at the WCH and G.O.D. Awards would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations to H.E. Iv Sry for such a big achievement and another milestone on her career being awarded with Honorary Doctorate in Public Administration. We always believe in her as a humanitarian and her ability as a leader. Iv Sry has done so much kindness to her people and country. She deserves all the accolades given to her”, said HRH Sultana Princess Maria Amor Torres, founder and president of WCH and G.O.D. Awards.

Dr. Iv Sry was born in 1954 into a family of seven siblings in Takeo province, located in the south of Cambodia. During her childhood, H.E. Dr. Iv Sry encountered so many different kinds of challenges and obstacles; however, as an independent child and despite all of the difficult times, she made firm commitments and inspiration to strive to study until she completed high school successfully and finally got selected to School of Medicine in 1975 just before the arrival of Pol Pot regime. During the genocidal regime, she was evacuated to various parts of Cambodia.

After the collapse of the genocidal regime, she decided to join the Secretariat of National Police at the age of 25. With her characters and work performance as well as ethics, she was sent to the training course in Vietnam. Upon the return from Vietnam, she was promoted to be the Procurement and Accounting Unit Chief and then promoted gradually as per her performance and intelligence until her retirement. Currently, she is the Advisor to Ministry of Interior with the rank in equivalence to Secretary of State. What’s more, during her tenure of government work, she was a serious learner, she studied and joined so many workshops and training programs, specially overseas under United Nations Office on Drugs and Crimes. And in cognition to her work performance, she received all types of National Decorations. 

Apart from her administrative roles working in the government, she is a pure and proud Buddhist; she has done so much to help the poor; she has built roads, ponds, pagodas, fences, installed lamps, stupas and many more humanitarian works. 

With all her credentials, great characters, experiences, and contributions to help the mankind, and after careful selection and decision, the graduate school committee of Asia Euro University has endorsed her candidacy to receive the Honorary Doctorate Degree in Public Administration.

Friday, April 3, 2020

WCH Partners With Egyrobo To Combat Covid-19

 Video Link:

We Care for Humanity (WCH) Founder and President, Sultana Princess Maria Amor Torres announced its partnership with EGYROBO, a pioneer in robotics and automation technology and the only robotic system integrator in Egypt, to help humanity in fighting the biggest challenge the world is currently facing – the Coronavirus.

The noble collaboration between the two entities has commenced last March 29, 2020 by signing a partnership agreement binding them together to bring supply of cutting-edge technology and robotics of disinfection system and reliable detection tools, all to prevent widespread infection of the virus.

WCH is very committed to our mission to promote universal humanitarianism and what better way to contribute to humanity in these times of crisis but to seek for solutions to fight the pandemic, not just a temporary resolve but a sustainable one”, said the Sultana Bae a Gaus of Maguindanao, also known as the Traveling Princess. She added, “Humanity is on the brink of chaos! This is not the time for hesitations to take extreme measures to fight this killer virus. We must do what it takes to make the world safe again. What we offer is something better than cure. For what the world really needs right now to control this contagion (aside from love, compassion and staying home) are effective prevention/disinfection system and reliable detection tools. And I don’t mean wearing face masks and getting locked down!

David S. Beshara, Founder and CEO of Egyrobo, who went to robotic college in Germany and spent most of his life pioneering in Robotics in Egypt says “Our responsibility is creating several different types of robots to serve humanity. Egyrobo is compelled to help during these most challenging times of our lives by innovating robotics which can save people from the infectious diseases and viruses. We appreciate the opportunity of working with Princess Maria Amor Torres and WCH, together we will bring solutions to this pandemic.” His life slogan: “Believe, Innovate, create

Part of team are WCH Egyptian Directors, Eng. Mostafa Saleh Amin and Mr. Hany Al Araby who initiated this engagement and working diligently to bring these innovations globally. The duo are also in charged of the technical aspect and logistics of the whole endeavor.

The EGYROBO Explained:

The UV Disinfection Robot can save many lives, may it be in the hospitals or airports, schools, malls, businesses and factories or even at home. With its autonomous mobile solutions and concentrated UV-light, it deploys fast and efficient disinfection process and literally shreds the DNA or RNA of any microorganisms exposed to the the UV-light.

The Amy Autonomous Sterilize and EGYROBO-Sterilizing Robots carry the new type of dry fog space sterilization system. With its strong disinfection and sterilization capacity, it kills bacteria 99.99% and reduces significantly the risk of infection instantly.

With EGYROBO – Telepresence Robot, the heroes of this epidemic times – the doctors and hospital staff are protected! With its intelligent system, the Telepresence Robot makes diagnosing and communications efficient without the risk of spreading infection.

Our Fever & Thermal Scanning System and Face Recognition Machine make the invisible enemy visible! Detection of virus has never been so accurate and as fast as lightning before!

WCH encourages governments and private sectors to not take any chances on this COVID-19 again! “We are ready to cooperate and share our technology and innovations, all you have to do is reach-out to us.” – Final message from the founder.