Wednesday, January 15, 2020

WCH 4th Annual Free Medical Camp Helped Senior Citizens And Children

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Another successful medical initiative was conducted in Dharmapuram Village in Tamil Nadu last 12th of January 2020.

The camp was organized by the 3 WCH Humanitarian Ambassadors namely Mr. Logesh Dhanasekaran, Mr. Rajasimhan Murugavel, and Dr. Naveen Nagarajen under the banner of We Care for Humanity.

With the help and support of Mrs. Vasanthi Dhanasekaran, mother of Mr. Logesh, the camp was able to serve almost 200 senior citizens and children combined.

Among the volunteers are Mr.Gopinath, Mr.Gokul & Mr. Balaji.

It is such a great feeling to be able to serve the needy people by the beginning of the year, it means all year round we will be helping more people which is our biggest achievement and fulfillment. I also want to thank my brothers by heart, Dr. Naveen and Mr. Raja for doing this noble work with me for the 4th year time.” – Logesh Dhanasekaran

Sultana Princess Maria Amor, founder of We Care for Humanity (WCH) expressed her gratitude to the Ambassadors: “I am so proud of our Humanitarian Ambassadors’ dedication to this Free Medical Camp in India. They are the most consistent humanitarians who are deeply committed to improving the health of underprivileged people in the community.” – Sultana Maria

*WCH is an internationally recognized organization dealing mainly with current global issues focusing on the seven (7) United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG) such as: #1 NO POVERTY, #3 GOOD HEALTH AND WELL BEING, #4 QUALITY EDUCATION, #5 GENDER EQUALITY, #10 REDUCED INEQUALITY (HUMAN RIGHTS), #13 CLIMATE ACTION, #16 PEACE AND JUSTICE STRONG INSTITUTIONS. 

Khen Rinpoche Phurba Dorjee Leads We Care For Humanity In Nepal

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We Care for Humanity (WCH) continues to flourish around the world. In collaboration with Zamling Buddha Foundation (ZBF), WCH founder, HM Sultana Princess Maria Amor Torres Mastura had a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Signing with 7th G.O.D. Awards Champion of Peace and Humanity, Venerable Khen Rinpoche Phurba Dorjee.

The MOU comprises the formation of the WCH Nepal branch and the development goals it will undertake under its banner such Education, Health & Wellness, Poverty Alleviation and Youth and Children Empowerment.

The ceremony which was conducted last January 12, 2020 at Sang Restaurant & Bar in Kathmandu, Nepal, also celebrated the opening of the Zamling Foundation, a newly formed organization chaired by the Venerable Lama.

Nepal and Indian celebrities, educators, including elders and students attended the auspicious gathering.

Venerable Rinpoche Phurba Dorjee has a long track record of successful initiatives guided by his spiritual leadership and natural altruism. His compassion to the less fortunate especially the children and elders is extraordinary, there is not a single doubt that he is more than fit to fill-in the position as Country Director of WCH Nepal. WCH is very blessed to have him.” – Sultana Princess Maria Amor

The newly appointed Country Director also gave his statement: “In this chaotic world, people are engaging in war, violence, aggression, hatred and killing each other. It’s a very sad reality but we don’t need to kill people and die. We cannot survive and live happily, successfully without others so let’s build and share unity, equality, friendship, love and peace.” – Rinpoche Phurba Dorjee

Khen Rinpoche wears many caps: he is a film maker, producer and CEO of Vajrakilya Productions. Recently, he formed the Himalaya Peace Foundation in India and he is also one of the founders of the Himalaya Peace Caravan in partnership with Sultana Maria which will take off this February 2020 to Mexico.

Rinpoche Phurba Dorjee spends time between India and Nepal but mostly dispersing his philanthropic prowess in Kathmandu.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

G.O.D. Asia’s Humanitarian Icon Kimly Lim Heads WCH Branch In Cambodia

"H.E. Kimly Lim and husband during
 the inauguration of he new house
 and office of WCH"
Video Link:

Mrs. Kimly Lim, the newly appointed WCH Country Director in Cambodia

 For We Care for Humanity (WCH), Christmas is not only a glorious Christian holiday- a yuletide and gift-giving season, but also the birth of WCH Cambodia branch! December 25, 2020 was the day of the successful Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) signing between WCH Founder and President, H.M. Sultana Princess Maria Amor Torres and one of the revered philanthropists of Cambodia, Mrs. Kimly Lim. Set at the iconic hotel of Phnom Penh, Hotel Cambodiana, the said event was attended by various local women NGOs, government officials, visitors from the Philippines, the WCH Philippines Branch headed by its Country Director and Deputy, and different media and press.

Elated and proud, Sultana stated, “WCH’s future in Cambodia is bright under the leadership of Mrs. Kimly Lim. She has a proven track record as a humanitarian activist and a passionate advocate of peace and women empowerment. She is a mother to all; I have no doubt that she will nurture WCH as much as she does to her own children.”

MOA Signing witnessed by Mr. Vireakvitou, Dr. Dararath, local NGO’s and delegates from Philippines

The newly appointed WCH Country Director Lim grew up in Kampong Som City (Sihanouk Ville Province) and has a master’s degree in social science.  After her father died during the war in 1952, she provided for the family, up to the extent of giving-up her education to help her mother raise her siblings in the middle of turmoil in Cambodia.
Kimly used her life adversities and sufferings as motivation to work harder not only for her family but for also for her countrymen. Seeing the situation of poverty, violence and inequality around her she vowed to make a difference especially in women and children’s lives.
In 2001 she founded the Family Agricultural Development Community with the mission to uplift the lives of the poor families, provide livelihood, skills & vocational trainings on agriculture, water sanitation and protecting the environment, and to support women and children with education.

Mrs. Kimly is known for many humanitarian contributions, among that stand-out are her Peace and Development Projects: construction of schools, health center, village road, pounds, water wells, etc., which is amounting to USD 20,000 to 30,000 a year. She has been supporting at least 37 poor families to have normal living and well-being; she regularly supports more than 150 people with food and rice during Khmer New Year and Pyum Ben Ceremony which is also amounting to USD 30,000 each year. And as patriot, she assists during election as an observer to maintain peace and order.

In the past, Mrs. Lim has received the following awards and accolades:

Humanitarian Icon of Asia by G.O.D. Awards, 2019

Appointment as Advisor to the Ministry of Religion Affairs with the rank of equivalent to the Under Secretary of State by the Royal Government of Cambodia, 2019

Messenger of Peace by IWPG, 2018

Moha Serey Wath Medal from the King of the Kingdom of Cambodia, 2014

Medal of Muny Saphoan, the level of  Moha Sena from the King of the Kingdom of Cambodia, 2007 

When asked about her ultimate dream Kimly Lim says, “I dream for my country to have strong social and economic progress; for the Cambodian people to live happy, healthy and no poverty, and for the children to have quality education and become good citizen of the world. I dream for a peaceful world without discrimination, violence and inequalities.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Successful WCH-Gafeias Vienna Meeting And WCH Austria Formation

"WCH and GAFEIAS Signing of MOU in Vienna"
Video Link:

WE CARE FOR HUMANITY (WCH), GAFÉIAS and GENESIS 7 signed a cooperation agreement regarding common peace keeping and humanitarian project work in Vienna last 14th of November 2019, in a Viennese notary’s office. Exchange of documents, especially peace roadmaps, peace petitions and other projects lies ahead.

Among the meeting participants are Sultana Princess Dr. Maria Leonora Amor Torres Mastura, WCH, Founder & President; Mag. Phil. Andreas G. Andiel, GAFÉIAS President & CEO, GENESIS 7 President; Engr. Salim Arab, GAFÉIAS Director Middle East; Mrs. Sladana John, General Director GAFÉIAS Global Peace Initiative; and DI Abdalla Sharief, President of UNCAV, the United Nations Correspondents Association Vienna.

“GAFÉIAS and GENESIS 7 are operating in Austria, its neutrality is an advantage especially for international peace keeping projects. Moreover, Vienna provides relevant platforms regarding project progress, the UNITED NATIONS HQ respectively the VIC – Vienna International Center, including UNIDO and IAEA as well as other relevant international organizations, such as the UPF, Universal Pace Federation”, explained by Mag. Phil. Andreas G. Andiel

Video Link:

Another major highlight of the Vienna meeting is the formation of WCH Austria branch in which Engr. Salim Arab was appointed as the Country Director and Mrs. Sladana John as the Deputy Country Director. “I can’t be more content having these two very competent and hardworking humanitarians to lead WCH in Austria. Both of them have special abilities to do greater things and make impact to the community”, said the Princess and Bae A Gaus of Minsupala.

Engr. Salim Arab holds a degree as a licensed Civil Engineer and has been working on a variety of projects in Europe as well as the Middle East. His vast experience and networks in the industry as well his ability to bring together powerful stakeholders and ideas makes him an excellent choice to lead WCH Austria. 

Mrs. Sladana John is specialized in IT-education and African studies. Her main focus lies on developing solutions involving peace initiation via art, education, empowering and awareness building. Her creativity and fast forward thinking befit her as WCH Austria Deputy Country Director. She introduced the ‘Paint the Pain for Peace – PPP’ an Art for Peace project to empower the victims of violence, wars and any violation of human rights which will be amplified through WCH and GAFEIAS.

Meantime, DI Abdalla Sharief, President of UNCAV, the United Nations Correspondents Association Vienna expressed support on the intended WCH Media Station an independent media platform which aims to initiate dialogues to foster peace and humanity all over the globe.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Formation Of WCH Turkey And WCH-WHAC Mou On Eco-palace For Humanity Project

Eco-Palace for Humanity – A Social-Economic Development Project Towards Making Turkey as the Leader for Healthy Ageing Globally

Video Link:

Sultana Mariam Amor Torres Mastura, founder and president of We Care for Humanity (WCH), a non-profit organization based in United States arrived in Ankara to form the WCH Turkey Branch in collaboration with World Healthy Ageing Council – a Turkey based organization.

WCH is an internationally recognized organization dealing mainly with current global issues focusing on the seven (7) United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG) such as: #1 No Poverty, #3 Good Health And Well Being, #4 Quality Education, #5 Gender Equality, #10 Reduced Inequality (Human Rights), #13 Climate Action, #16 Peace And Justice Strong Institutions. WCH has branches all over the world and recently opened a branch in Austria prior to coming to Ankara.

According to Sultana, WCH Turkey branch will be focusing on Healthy Ageing advocacy, hence the reason for tying-up with WHAC, which mission is to create a world network and alliance for Healthy Ageing. “WHAC is a platform that leads, connects and defines the healthy aging industry, supports organizations and professionals that develop wellness environments and services for adults over 50”, says Gerontologist Dr. Kemal Aydin, the president and one of the founders of WHAC.

Eco-Palace for Humanity is a vision of Sultana Mariam Amor and is now being conceptualized in the Philippines, Cambodia and Uganda. “The Eco-Palace will be the center for FREE education, health and wellness, livelihood programs, culture and arts, and advance technologies and innovations to solve global issues. In the case of Turkey, we want to design an Eco-Palace which is catered more on Healthy Ageing for all, with the support of the Turkish government, local NGO’s and academe,” says the Sultan. “WCH is supported by social investors from around the world and we are confident that the concept of Eco-Palace Turkey would be achievable which puts Turkey as the leader in World Healthy Ageing.

Monday, December 2, 2019

WCH Founder Appoints New Vice President For Business Affairs And Country Director For Egypt, Collaborations Formed For Sustainable Humanitarian Projects

(L to R) Eng. Mostafa Saleh Amin,
Sultana Princess Maria Amor and
Mr. Deepak Kuntawala

Unstoppable and determined, Sultana Princess Maria Amor Torres, founder of We Care for Humanity (WCH) and Chairman of the Global Order of Dignitaries and Philanthropists (G.O.D.) Awards hopped on her next destination, Egypt. In Cairo, the WCH is set to open a branch of this international organization where peace, climate change and women empowerment will be some of the sectors it will focus on.

Along with the formation of the branch, Sultana Torres also appointed the new Vice President for Business Affairs in the person of Engineer Mostafa Saleh Amin, a civil engineer, having dual nationality (Egyptian/American) with more than 34 years of experience, working with very reputable companies such as IBM (through United Electronics and Trading) and Bahgat Group. In Saudi Arabia, he was the CEO of a company named “Industry Innovations” which is a general contracting company located in Dammam.  His vast experience on banking, finance, real estate and marketing has earned him the approval of the board of directors of WCH. 

I believe on the ability and expertise of Eng. Mostafa Amin, with his help WCH is ready to take on huge and significant projects for social and economic developments and produce income streams to support our humanitarian projects”, the Sultana revealed. “I am confident as well that under his leadership, WCH Egypt will thrive as one of the most active and result-oriented NGOs in the middle-east,” her Majesty added.

The signing of Memorandum of Agreement and Oath-Taking took place at the Fairmont Hotel in Cairo last 26th of November. Along with Eng. Amin, other officers were also appointed: Mr. Hany Al Araby as WCH Deputy Country Director and Mr. Wagdy Yousef III as WCH Media Director and Photo-Journalist, witnessed by Mr. Deepak Kuntawala, founder of DVK Group from UK.

On additional good news, WCH Egypt has bridged collaborations with the Saad Group, a leading company in Egypt on Energy. The two entities have signed MOU on working together in some African countries particularly Uganda where the company has already initiated a promising green environment LBG project with the government.

Meanwhile, another purpose of the visit in the country was the conceptualization and brainstorming with the team of Eco-Palace for Humanity, a wholistic philanthropic project founded by WCH founder herself. “We have a good team of Engineers and designers in the country headed by our newly appointed VP for Business Affairs, Eng. Amin., my vision is coming to life: to create a civilization of humanitarians for humanity. We will soon announce what this project entails.

The Bae A Gaus (Queen of Power) of Minsupala wishes to thank the Amin and Eldweny families for their gracious hospitality nd savory home cooked meals by Dhalia Amin. As always, the Princess had a fabulous time in Egypt at the Pyramids, thanks to her host, Eng. Mostafa Amin and family.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

International Humanitarians Sent Help For The Earthquake Victims In Mindanao


Cotabato, Philippines – Founder and President of We Care for Humanity (WCH), Sultana Princess Mariam Amor Torres Mastura called for help among their international patrons for a series of relief operations in the Philippines after a 6.6 – magnitude earthquake struck the southern Philippines last October 29, 2019.

I am forever thankful to the WCH supporters globally for their generous donations which helped thousands of people in Mindanao especially those who lost their homes, livelihood, crops and the most painful of all, their love ones,” an emotional statement by the Sultana. 

The Relief operations were conducted in 4 major evacuation areas: Barangay Pikit, Buhay, Batasan (Sitio Flortam) all in Makilala area and in Marawi city. Thousands of relief packs consist of rice, water, groceries were distributed to the victims in a 7-day humanitarian operation.

The news about the humanitarian aid of WCH reached the domain of the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) and decided to join the operation by volunteering in the distribution of relief goods. “Heartfelt relief distribution to the victims of the earthquakes in Cotabato from HER MAJESTY SULTANA MARIAM LEONORA AMOR TORRES assisted by the Field Marshal and Sawdara Amphibious Special Forces, BNAF, MNLF, as well as by the office of The Secretary General for military mobilization, MNLF by the authority of HIS EXCELLENCY PROF. DR. NUR P. MISUARI, Founding leader and Chairman Central Committee of MNLF.” – message from MNLF.

In Marawi, the group of Sultan also assisted the operation: “Heartfelt “Operation Panabang” from Sultana Maria Amor and her group of sultans to the victims of hurricane in Marawi. A token of love, care and concern from all us in We Care for Humanity and the Ranao Council for Culture and Peace of the Union of the Royal Sultanate of Lanao.

The people of Mindanao send their undying gratitude to the following donors:

  • H.H. SAMDACH VENERATTA NAY CHROEK– His Holiness is one the three highest monks of Cambodia and hailed as a King Monk. Samdach Nay received the highest spiritual award from the Global Order of Dignitaries and Philanthropists (G.O.D.) Awards last July 2019 at the United Nations, Geneva. As the Supreme Spiritual Icon of the Year, His Holiness regularly conduct humanitarian works allover Cambodia.
  • H.R.H. PRINCESS AMOR M. MASTURA– Her Royal Highness is from the legendary clan of Sultan Kudarat who started his rule in the Sultanate of Maguindanao covering the entire Mindanao Island in Southern Philippines around the 12th century and ended in the 20th century. Princess Amor is an Obgyne working in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. From a long distance, she tirelessly sends her assistance to whoever in need in her hometown.
  • H.E. OKNAH SAM DARARATH, PhD– His Excellency is one of the most respected businessmen in Cambodia. He is the founder of Save Nature Cambodia, an organization primarily caring for the environment and wildlife. To date, Save Nature has planted more than one million trees in the country. Dr. Sam is also an adviser to the nation’s Prime Minister, Samdach Hun Sen and is a consistent patron of We Care for Humanity.
  • H.E. MOK MARETH– His Excellency Mareth is a Cambodian politician and former Minister of the Environment. He is currently serving as Member of Parliament of Takeo province of Cambodia. H.E. Mareth is big advocate of saving nature and wild life given his background, a  natural scientist by training, Mareth earned a bachelor’s degree in agronomy and fisheries engineering from the University of Agronomy, Phnom Penh, Cambodia in 1971 and his PhD in animal and aquatic biology from Paul Sabatier University, in Toulouse, France in 1974. 
  • H.E. IV SRY- Her Excellency is an adviser to the Ministry of Interior of Cambodia and a respected entrepreneur in the country. She works closely with King Monk Samdach Nay Chroek in various humanitarian works in the sectors of health, education and poverty alleviation. Iv Sry is a recipient of G.O.D. Awards as Woman of Honor of Asia last September in Los Angeles, California.
  • MRS. KIMLY LIM– Honorable Lim is the founder and president of Family Agriculture Community, and NGO focusing on the welfare of women and family through agriculture. Mrs. Lim was recently appointed as Country Director of We Care for Humanity Cambodia Branch. She received Women Empowerment Awards from the G.O.D. America last September 2019.
  • H.E. OKNAH DR. SEANG CHANG HENG– Her Excellency is the President of Heng Development. She is one of the leading personalities of Cambodia in business, philanthropy and religious sectors. Her reach and influence is far and wide and many people especially the poor benefit from the regular humanitarian activities she conducts on daily basis. Dr. Seang is being nominated for an award at the upcoming G.O.D. Awards at the United Nations, New York.
  • H.E. LORK CHUMTEA SOURN RAKSMEY– Her Excellency is the Vice President of Save Nature Cambodia and presently working for the government. Like H.E. Oknah Dr. Sam Dararath, she dedicates most of her efforts in protecting the nature. Her passion to plant trees and educate others on how to save the nature.
  • DR. MOHAN GUNTI, PhD– Dr. Gunti works as an advisor to the Cambodia National Tourism building and connecting G2G Relations.  He is also an Advisor to Save Nature Cambodia and regularly plant trees with the group to raise awareness on protecting the environment.
  • DR. BASSAM FARCHOUKH– Dr. Farchoukh is a successful businessman in Lebanon. He is the President and CEO of Samo Belt, one of the oldest and prominent leather companies with a wide variety of leather products from shoes, bags to belts for men and women. Bassam is also the the president of the Union of Leather Companies of Middle-East. Dr Farchoukh is a prolific humanitarian, always ready to help.

We Care for Humanity also thank the volunteers, the distribution team in Cotabato city: Gen. Hji. Bensaleh P. Sharifah, LtGen. Abdulkhabir S. Sharifah, MGen. Mohammad Kiblanzed P. Sharifah and in Marawi city: Sultan Bert Dagalangit, Sultan Sac Guru, Sultan Macalayo Atha, Alvin Dagalangit, Noah Dagalangit, Junjun Dagalangit, Raizoli Dagalangit, Mahatma Dagalangit, Saipoden Dagalangit, Datu Dagalangit and many more.