Wednesday, January 15, 2020

WCH 4th Annual Free Medical Camp Helped Senior Citizens And Children

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Another successful medical initiative was conducted in Dharmapuram Village in Tamil Nadu last 12th of January 2020.

The camp was organized by the 3 WCH Humanitarian Ambassadors namely Mr. Logesh Dhanasekaran, Mr. Rajasimhan Murugavel, and Dr. Naveen Nagarajen under the banner of We Care for Humanity.

With the help and support of Mrs. Vasanthi Dhanasekaran, mother of Mr. Logesh, the camp was able to serve almost 200 senior citizens and children combined.

Among the volunteers are Mr.Gopinath, Mr.Gokul & Mr. Balaji.

It is such a great feeling to be able to serve the needy people by the beginning of the year, it means all year round we will be helping more people which is our biggest achievement and fulfillment. I also want to thank my brothers by heart, Dr. Naveen and Mr. Raja for doing this noble work with me for the 4th year time.” – Logesh Dhanasekaran

Sultana Princess Maria Amor, founder of We Care for Humanity (WCH) expressed her gratitude to the Ambassadors: “I am so proud of our Humanitarian Ambassadors’ dedication to this Free Medical Camp in India. They are the most consistent humanitarians who are deeply committed to improving the health of underprivileged people in the community.” – Sultana Maria

*WCH is an internationally recognized organization dealing mainly with current global issues focusing on the seven (7) United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG) such as: #1 NO POVERTY, #3 GOOD HEALTH AND WELL BEING, #4 QUALITY EDUCATION, #5 GENDER EQUALITY, #10 REDUCED INEQUALITY (HUMAN RIGHTS), #13 CLIMATE ACTION, #16 PEACE AND JUSTICE STRONG INSTITUTIONS. 

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