Sunday, July 3, 2022

WCH Founder Attends 200th Year Anniversary Of Grande Oriente Do Brazil


WCH Founder Attends 200th year Anniversary of Grande Oriente do Brazil

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Brasilia, Brazil – We Care for Humanity (WCH) Founder, Sultana Maria Amor Torres journeyed to Brazil for the second time this year. The main purpose of her visit was to attend the 200th year Anniversary of the  Grande Oriente do Brazil (GOB) otherwise known as the Freemasons.

Torres, whose first visit to Brasilia made some impacts to a few charitable institutions and was recognized by the GOB, received a direct invitation from its Grand Master General, Sovereign Brother Múcio Bonifacio Guimarães. “It was difficult to refuse such powerful invitation coming from equally powerful personalities, I knew I had to come. WCH’s mission is in line with GOB’s advocacy, it was an honor to celebrate with them and to witness the greatness of the event filled with so much history.”, beamed the Sultana. She added, “of course, none of this would be possible without the coordination of my partners- Dr. Franco Nicoletti, Dr. Wellington Queiroz and Cav. Victor FrancellaThe Nicoletti Group and the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem (OSJ) Knights of Malta, Priory of Brazil were the main conduit of WCH in Brasilia. Through them we have met great people, institutions, and dignitaries”.  

The weeklong celebration was attended by luminaries from all over the world. The princess attended two days of magnificent events including the GOB Recognition by the Senate at the State House of Law, the Cultural event and finally the Gala Dinner, both were held at the GOB Palace in Brasilia.

In this leg of her trips, the Sultana also had a chance to do sight-seeing of the city, courtesy of Fraternidade Femenina Brasilia, hosted by Ms. Shirley Pontes. “I had such a fun experience seeing the beautiful and historical places of Brasilia together with my friend Shirin Vafaeyan from Iran and had the opportunity to meet the lovely and notable Grand Masters’ spouses coming from different regions and nations who attended the GOB 200th Anniversary. Shirley Pontes was such a fantastic host; we couldn’t ask for more of her warmth and hospitality, we learned so much from her about Brasilia!” – said the WCH Founder.

Before packing her bags to travel to Manaus, Amor together with the Nicoletti Group was invited to visit the Instituto Shotokan de Karate, a non-profit organization providing martial arts education to the children and youth to keep them out of the street and away from drugs. Apparently, this institution has been producing champions who compete nationally and internationally. The group was impressed by the student’s martial arts demonstration and vowed to assist promote their mission.

Finally, upon leaving Brasilia, Amor announced her upcoming comeback to Brazil in August 2022 to bring the Himalaya Peace Caravan for a three-day event which will be facilitated by the Gruppo Nicoletti and the Academia Internacional de Cultura.

WCH Founder Attends 200th Year Anniversary Of Grande Oriente Do Brazil

WCH Founder Attends 200th year Anniversary of Grande Oriente do Brazil

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Brasilia, Brazil – We Care for Humanity (WCH) Founder, Sultana Maria Amor Torres journeyed to Brazil for the second time this year. The main purpose of her visit was to attend the 200th year Anniversary of the Grande Oriente do Brazil (GOB) otherwise known as the Freemasons.

Torres, whose first visit to Brasilia made some impacts to a few charitable institutions and was recognized by the GOB, received a direct invitation from its Grand Master General, Sovereign Brother Múcio Bonifacio Guimarães. “It was difficult to refuse such powerful invitation coming from equally powerful personalities, I knew I had to come. WCH’s mission is in line with GOB’s advocacy, it was an honor to celebrate with them and to witness the greatness of the event filled with so much history.”, beamed the Sultana. She added, “of course, none of this would be possible without the coordination of my partners- Dr. Franco Nicoletti, Dr. Wellington Queiroz and Cav. Victor FrancellaThe Nicoletti Group and the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem (OSJ) Knights of Malta, Priory of Brazil were the main conduit of WCH in Brasilia. Through them we have met great people, institutions, and dignitaries”.  

The weeklong celebration was attended by luminaries from all over the world. The princess attended two days of magnificent events including the GOB Recognition by the Senate at the State House of Law, the Cultural event and finally the Gala Dinner, both were held at the GOB Palace in Brasilia.

In this leg of her trips, the Sultana also had a chance to do sight-seeing of the city, courtesy of Fraternidade Femenina Brasilia, hosted by Ms. Shirley Pontes. “I had such a fun experience seeing the beautiful and historical places of Brasilia together with my friend Shirin Vafaeyan from Iran and had the opportunity to meet the lovely and notable Grand Masters’ spouses coming from different regions and nations who attended the GOB 200th Anniversary. Shirley Pontes was such a fantastic host; we couldn’t ask for more of her warmth and hospitality, we learned so much from her about Brasilia!” – said the WCH Founder.

Before packing her bags to travel to Manaus, Amor together with the Nicoletti Group was invited to visit the Instituto Shotokan de Karate, a non-profit organization providing martial arts education to the children and youth to keep them out of the street and away from drugs. Apparently, this institution has been producing champions who compete nationally and internationally. The group was impressed by the student’s martial arts demonstration and vowed to assist promote their mission.

Finally, upon leaving Brasilia, Amor announced her upcoming comeback to Brazil in August 2022 to bring the Himalaya Peace Caravan for a three-day event which will be facilitated by the Gruppo Nicoletti and the Academia Internacional de Cultura. 

Thursday, June 30, 2022

The Traveling Princess Meets Mayor Of Manaus And Explored The Amazon

 The Traveling Princess Maria Amor Torres also known as Bae Naylaladlalad (The Traveling Princess), Founder and President of We Care for Humanity has visited Manaus, the largest city in the Amazon state of Brazil. The visit entailed a courtesy meeting with the current Mayor of Manaus, the Honorable David Almeida, who felicitated Amor and her delegation a warm welcome to the city.

(In this photo: Sultana Maria Amor, Mayor of Manaus- Hon. David Almeida and Mr. Belisario Arce, Founder of PanAmazonia)

The Traveling Princess Meets Mayor of Manaus and Explored the Amazon
The Traveling Princess Maria Amor on a sightseeing tour of the Amazon rainforest in Manaus, wearing a colorful Indian head dress of the natives of the Amazon.

Accompanied by Mr. Belisario Arce, founder of PanAmazonia and the conduit of Amor’s visit, the Princess has expressed interests in bringing investors to Manaus and to promote Tourism in which the mayor was delighted about. He explained that Manaus has already giant companies like Microsoft, Honda, Samsung, Sony, to name a few. “We still invite foreign companies, big or small, who want to expand their markets in Brazil, Manaus is the place to be, the only free trade zone in the country with many benefits for the investors.”, explained Almeida.

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Earlier that day, Mr. Arce brought Sultana to the office of SUFRAMA (Superintendência da Zona Franca de Manaus), Manaus’ Free Trade Zone agency under the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade of Brazil.

In addition to the busy schedule, the princess had a glimpse of the Teatro Amazonas with a courtesy guided tour given by the very creative staffs led by Mr. Samir. The princess was in awe of the architecture, design, and history of the theater, “simply magical”, she uttered. The Teatro Amazonas is celebrating its 125th Anniversary this year.

Before leaving the city, Amor hopped on a boat tour of the Amazon. A colorful short journey featuring rainforest river cruise, fish feeding, visiting indigenous groups and sailing to the very popular “The Meeting of Waters” which is the union between the dark Rio Negro and the pale sandy-colored Amazon River.

“Manaus is a city which so much to offer the world, apart from being a beacon to the Amazonia, which plays an important part in regulating the world’s oxygen and carbon cycles, Manaus houses many industries including brewing, soap manufacturing, the production of chemicals,  shipbuilding, the manufacture of electronics equipment, and petroleum refining which contribute extensively to the economy of Brazil,” said the Sultana.

The Sultana enjoyed the taste of Manaus especially the Farofa de banana-de-terra (plantain with cassava flour) and tucuma.

Thursday, May 5, 2022

We Care For Humanity Adopted A Primary School In India

Harmonizing with UNSDG4-Quality Education, WCH launched the “Godmother Program”, a platform that provides financial support to marginalized schools.

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We Care for Humanity Adopted a Primary School in IndiaThe founder of We Care for Humanity (WCH)Sultana Maria Amor Torres traveled to Puducherry, India to fulfill her commitment to the Little Angels Junior Primary School to be its second mother.

The Godmother program is a new Education program of WCH wherein we adopt marginalized schools by means of giving them financial support on regular basis to sustain their status or aid their critical financial situations and even uplift the economic condition of the school.”, explained by Torres. She added, “schools who qualify as our adoptees are those you may consider very poor, most often located in far flung areas in developing countries, and experiencing economic hardships, that when we come in. We not only offer financial support but other sustainable solutions so they can keep the schools going and the children are guaranteed to receive education.

Maria was accompanied by WCH Regional Director, Logesh Dhanasekaran and WCH Humanitarian Ambassador, Rajasimhan Murugavel on a 10-hour roundtrip from Chennai to Karaikal. “We are so proud of the work of WCH all over the world and even more grateful for the accomplishment of WCH that’s being carried-out in our area. As the WCH Regional Director in Tamil Nadu, it will be my duty to ensure that our WCH’s mission and vision are being implemented well and we impact the community in the most effective way,” said Dhanasekaran.

Little Angels Junior Primary School is a government approved school with affordable fees to ensure many students attain education from poor financial background. “We are grateful to Princess Maria Amor and We Care for Humanity, if not for them we would have totally lost the license to operate the school,” explained Mrs. Sumathy Thirupathy, the founder of the school. “We were able to solve the issues of improving the public toilet of the school, as well as paying the government fees to continue our operation. And now that WCH is our permanent Godmother who will support us every step of the way, it’s only fitting that we name the school after Princess Maria,” she proudly added.

The school is now named Princess Maria Amor Little Angels Primary School, located in Kairakal, Puducherry, and currently catering to 100 students. The school provides food for the students and other support other than education. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Founder Of WCH Visits The Children’s Cancer Hospital In Egypt


We Care for Humanity donated cash and toys to the Children’s Cancer Hospital in Cairo, Egypt and promises to come back to hold a fundraising Art Exhibit by Amortorres at the hospital itself.

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Unstoppable and tireless, the founder of We Care for Humanity (WCH)Sultana Princess Maria Amor Torres made an appearance at the Children’s Cancer Hospital 57357 in Cairo, Egypt, where she distributed toys and made a small cash donation for the hospital’s causes.

Founder of WCH Visits the Children’s Cancer Hospital in Egypt
"Princess Maria and a cancer
 patient posing the WCH heart logo."

Maria, also known as the Traveling Princess, is on her 4th visit to Egypt. In the past, her organization have implemented various humanitarian programs such as Global Santa feeding programs, distribution of PPE’s (face masks and face shields) during the height of Covid-19, and distribution of blankets to homeless people during winter, usually headed by WCH Publicity Ambassador for Egypt, Mr. Wagdy Youssef.


Photo Credit: Wagdy Yousef

The hospital’s Public Relations officer, Mr. Ahmed Abd al Manaem Mohamed Morsy gave the Sultana a tour of the whole hospital and showcased the Art department where artists and patients can practice painting and even hold exhibits for fundraising purposes, thus, giving the Princess an idea to hold an Art exhibit in the future for the benefit of the cancer hospital for children. “I promise to come back to this hospital and when I do, I will raise funds to help aid our vulnerable sick children. They need all the hopes and support we can give them, and I want to make sure We Care for Humanity contributes to this,” teary-eyed statement of WCH Founder.

Monday, April 4, 2022

We Care For Humanity Feeds 100 Families At The Shubra Mint Village In Giza Egypt

 WCH continues its Global Santa Program in Egypt and feeds 100 marginalized families and children at Shubra Mint Village

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On her recent humanitarian tour, the founder of We Care for HumanitySultana Princess Maria Amor also known as the Traveling Princess made a stop in Egypt and extended her global feeding program which is the WCH Global Santa. With the help of her team, one of Cairo’s prominent journalists, Wagdy Yousef and his family organized a feeding program at the Shubra Mint Village in Giza.

Feeding almost 100 families, the princess was very happy to execute the feeding program herself which are usually implemented by her appointed directors all over the world. “I am very excited to be back to traveling again, I believe in personalizing the work we are doing to impact humanity better,” explains the princess.

Maria, who’s traveling was put on hold for more than 2 years because of the pandemic is now taking the world by storm by spreading WCH’s various humanitarian programs such as, feeding, relief donations, adopting marginalized schools and many more.

The Shubra Mint Villagers especially the children sent their gratitude along with their sweetest smiles for the support they received from the Traveling Princess and We Care for Humanity.

Sunday, April 3, 2022

The Traveling Princess Visits The Varjao Association Of Sports And Culture For The Youth In Brasilia

The Traveling Princess Visits the Varjao Association of Sports and Culture for the Youth in Brasilia
The Founder of WCH, Princess Maria Amor with the youth of ASVEC in Brasilia, Brazil
We Care for Humanity extended support to ASVEC and conducted relief distribution in collaboration with the OSJ Knights of Malta a nd Gruppo Nicoletti

On her 3rd day in Brazil, Sultana Princess Maria Amor, the founder of We Care for Humanity visited the ASVEC Associacao Varjao Esporte E Cultura (Varjao Association of Sports and Culture), organized by Gruppo Nicoletti and Queiroz Avogados.

The visit started with a small introduction from their CEO, Ms. Juliana Ferreira Alves and a presentation of sports by the children and youth at their studio; followed by a tour at the football arena where the Princess kicked the ball and made a goal!

“I commend the mission of ASVEC to empower the youth in their community, to save them from unpleasant vices like drugs, alcohol, dangerous activities on the streets, and violence. ASVEC teaches these boys and girls how to be responsible human beings, to value family, and friends and to prioritize education”, said the President of WCH.

After visiting the sports arena, the whole entourage proceeded to a marginalized community in Brasilia to distribute relief items (rice, canned goods and beans) spearheaded by Sultana Amor herself, Dr. Franco Nicoletti, Dr. Wellington Queiroz and Cavalier Victor Frascella.

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We at OSJ Knights of Malta and Gruppo Nicoletti are very happy in partnering with We Care for Humanity in philanthropic works in Brazil. Rest assured that for every positive business deals we make with the Princess; a portion of that proceeds will be given back to the community.”, a promised made by Dr. Franco Nicoletti.

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The above-mentioned organizations are working together to promote the Amazon Save the Earth project (ASE), a Climate Action project to preserve the Amazon backed by the United Nations and Brazil’s Ministry of Environment. The Traveling Princess, Maria Amor represents the ASE as Global Ambassador.