Monday, April 4, 2022

We Care For Humanity Feeds 100 Families At The Shubra Mint Village In Giza Egypt

 WCH continues its Global Santa Program in Egypt and feeds 100 marginalized families and children at Shubra Mint Village

Video Link:

On her recent humanitarian tour, the founder of We Care for HumanitySultana Princess Maria Amor also known as the Traveling Princess made a stop in Egypt and extended her global feeding program which is the WCH Global Santa. With the help of her team, one of Cairo’s prominent journalists, Wagdy Yousef and his family organized a feeding program at the Shubra Mint Village in Giza.

Feeding almost 100 families, the princess was very happy to execute the feeding program herself which are usually implemented by her appointed directors all over the world. “I am very excited to be back to traveling again, I believe in personalizing the work we are doing to impact humanity better,” explains the princess.

Maria, who’s traveling was put on hold for more than 2 years because of the pandemic is now taking the world by storm by spreading WCH’s various humanitarian programs such as, feeding, relief donations, adopting marginalized schools and many more.

The Shubra Mint Villagers especially the children sent their gratitude along with their sweetest smiles for the support they received from the Traveling Princess and We Care for Humanity.

Sunday, April 3, 2022

The Traveling Princess Visits The Varjao Association Of Sports And Culture For The Youth In Brasilia

The Traveling Princess Visits the Varjao Association of Sports and Culture for the Youth in Brasilia
The Founder of WCH, Princess Maria Amor with the youth of ASVEC in Brasilia, Brazil
We Care for Humanity extended support to ASVEC and conducted relief distribution in collaboration with the OSJ Knights of Malta a nd Gruppo Nicoletti

On her 3rd day in Brazil, Sultana Princess Maria Amor, the founder of We Care for Humanity visited the ASVEC Associacao Varjao Esporte E Cultura (Varjao Association of Sports and Culture), organized by Gruppo Nicoletti and Queiroz Avogados.

The visit started with a small introduction from their CEO, Ms. Juliana Ferreira Alves and a presentation of sports by the children and youth at their studio; followed by a tour at the football arena where the Princess kicked the ball and made a goal!

“I commend the mission of ASVEC to empower the youth in their community, to save them from unpleasant vices like drugs, alcohol, dangerous activities on the streets, and violence. ASVEC teaches these boys and girls how to be responsible human beings, to value family, and friends and to prioritize education”, said the President of WCH.

After visiting the sports arena, the whole entourage proceeded to a marginalized community in Brasilia to distribute relief items (rice, canned goods and beans) spearheaded by Sultana Amor herself, Dr. Franco Nicoletti, Dr. Wellington Queiroz and Cavalier Victor Frascella.

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We at OSJ Knights of Malta and Gruppo Nicoletti are very happy in partnering with We Care for Humanity in philanthropic works in Brazil. Rest assured that for every positive business deals we make with the Princess; a portion of that proceeds will be given back to the community.”, a promised made by Dr. Franco Nicoletti.

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The above-mentioned organizations are working together to promote the Amazon Save the Earth project (ASE), a Climate Action project to preserve the Amazon backed by the United Nations and Brazil’s Ministry of Environment. The Traveling Princess, Maria Amor represents the ASE as Global Ambassador.

Sunday, February 20, 2022

We Care For Humanity Signed Cooperation Agreement With Gruppo Nicoletti To Help Save The Amazon Rainforest

 Amidst the pandemic, the founder of We Care for Humanity (WCH), Sultana Princess Maria Amor sets her journey to Brazil to sign a Cooperation Agreement with Gruppo Nicoletti for the Amazon Save the Earth Project (ASE).

ASE is a zero-emission project, in line with the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) defined by the United Nations, with the aim and commitment to preserve the world’s forests, a concrete action to preserve local species, guarantee stability to local populations through environmental inventory processes, quantification, qualification and certification of assets by the United Nations.

Sultana Princess Maria Amor,
Dr. Franco Nicoletti, Cav. Vito Franscella

Video Link:

ASE is founded by the Gruppo Nicoletti, a global financial and legal consulting company, basing its main activities in Brazil, United Kingdom, Spain, Malta, United Arab Emirates and South Africa. The Holding that leads the Group is based in Spain.

“The Amazons Save the Earth Project arises from the need to create concrete actions for the Planet, actively preserving world’s forests and providing consistent economic benefits to large Corporates and Governments following the issuance of Green Bonds certified by the Executive Partners of Gruppo Nicoletti, accredited by United Nations”, explains Dr. Franco Nicoletti, CEO of ASE.

The signed cooperation agreement appoints Sultana Amor as the Global Ambassador of the project and WCH as the flagship charity organization of ASE. In addition, the contract binds WCH and Gruppo Nicoletti to promote and create global awareness for ASE. “It is our great honor to have Princess Maria Amor as our Global Ambassador, her influence around the world can help realize the success of this project”, says Dr. Wellington Queiroz, head of the Queiroz Advogados Associados and one of the directors of ASE. 

WCH made a stand, “Climate change affects everyone and everything in this world. One must be vigilant in fighting to protect our planet as if we are fighting for our lives. It is our human rights to live in a livable planet. That’s why We Care for Humanity is holding hands with Gruppo Nicoletti to save the Amazon which is a critical solution in saving the earth. The Amazon Save the Earth project puts new directions in Climate Action to fight deforestation and preserve biodiversity. I take great pride being the Global Ambassador of this project and to see to it that we achieve our ultimate goal to save the earth. “, spoken by the Sultana of Sultanate of Maguindanao.

Both Maria Amor and Dr. Franco Nicoletti serves in the OSJ Knight of Malta including Cavalier Victor Franscella, facilitator at ASE and Director at Gruppo Nicoletti. “We are extremely happy with this collaboration with We Care for Humanity whose global goals are in line with Gruppo Nicoletti and the OSJ Knights of Malta. These three giant organizations are very committed to make a huge impact in saving the environment.”, proudly said by Cav. Franscella.

*We Care for Humanity is an internationally recognized Non-Profit organization dealing mainly with current global issues and focusing on United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, whose mission is to promote universal humanitarianism.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

WCH Fight Against Covid-19 Global Feeding & Relief Distribution In The Philippines Lasted For 21 Days

 We Care for Humanity (WCH) championing UNSDG Zero Hunger during this pandemic period has served more than 5000 vulnerable people in different communities in the Philippines; in Luzon and Mindanao Regions that lasted for 21 days.

The first seven (7) days of feeding was held in Metro Manila covering the vulnerable communities of Rizal Province and Makati City. Program Directors composed of WCH Founder’s siblings, Cristina T. Ayungao, Rizaline T. Pascual and Ferdinand C. Torres worked diligently to distribute packed lunches in 7 marginalized areas, feeding a total of 2,500 people. WCH team also distributed powdered milk for infants and rice to families who have no access to food ration from the local government.

The 2nd leg of feeding, also lasted for seven days was dedicated to the Indigenous group in Misamis Oriental, the Higaonan Tribe. WCH appointed the head of the tribe, Datu Rogelio Basisihan as the Program Director and successfully served 1500 tribal members.

Finally, the last leg of feeding, another 7 seven days was also given to the Higaonan Tribe serving various barangays in Misamis Oriental, totaling of more than 1000 beneficiaries. This last leg was sponsored by Filipino Humanitarians: Col. Greg Gatdula & Ninpha Gayon Gatdula, MPA, C/E Ruben Gavadan, Vmc & Helen Gatillo Gavadan, Capt Ariel Jayme Penafiel, Emsi & Emily Asanion Penafiel, TPC/ LLIC, Retired CPO U.S. Navy Tito & Elsie Dizon Paloma, Councilor Ven Gatdula, Jess Vincent Lumanog Gayon, Dr Leticia Alava Rogacion & Mr. Liberato Olivar Rogacion, Paul & Maria Rizalinda Cantos, Entrepreneur and Anonymous.

The Filipino group also donated crutches and educational tablet to a tribal girl with disability.


The WCH Program “Fight Against Covid-19" which includes Global Feeding and PPE Donation served 14 countries covering Bangladesh, Egypt, India, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Uganda, Tunisia, Yemen and Zambia.

“COVID-19 Global Pandemic has brought the world into its knees killing millions of people around world and has put more families below poverty line. With unemployment and global hunger surging many nations, our organization has kept its mission intact, that is to advocate and innovate sustainable social developments and promote universal humanitarianism which includes feeding the hungry during this dark hour of our lives”, said the Founder and President of WCH, Sultana Princess Maria Amor Torres, DBA, DD, DK.

We Care for Humanity is a non-profit organization 501(c)(3), based in California and was founded by Sultana Princess Maria Amor in 2011. WCH is an internationally recognized organization dealing mainly with current global issues focusing on the eight (8) United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG) such as: #1 No Poverty, #2 Zero Hunger #3 Good Health and Well Being, #4 Quality Education, #5 Gender Equality, #10 Reduced Inequality (Human Rights), #13 Climate Action, #16 Peace and Justice Strong Institutions.

Saturday, December 5, 2020

WCH Pandemic Relief In Tamil Nadu, India Served More Than 5000 Vulnerable People

WCH Pandemic Relief in Tamil Nadu, India Served More than 5000 Vulnerable People

We Care for Humanity (WCH) championing UNSDG Zero Hunger during this pandemic period has served more than 5000 vulnerable people in different communities in Tamil Nadu, India starting June until November of this year.

The successful 14-day feeding program in India was headed by WCH India Regional Director, Logesh Dinasekaran and accompanied by diligent volunteers: WCH Ambassador – Mr. Rajasimhan, Someshwaran, Mohamed Sageth, Madhu Ganesh, Paul Samvel, Mohamed Asif, Ashiq, Chief. Rajasekar.

Dinasekaran, a young businessman from Chennai has been working with WCH since 2016 as a Humanitarian Ambassador and recently promoted as Regional Director for Tamil Nadu. “Our people in Tamil Nadu are very grateful to We Care for Humanity and HRH Sultana Princess Maria Amor for this Global Feeding Program. We were able to help our brothers who are dire need of help especially those who have no source of income and those living in the far-flung areas, unreachable by pandemic relief from the government”, Logesh expressed. “I also want to thank my father, mother and my wife who have supported me in this mission.”

The WCH Program “Fight Against Covid-19” which includes Global Feeding and PPE Donation served 14 countries including Bangladesh, Egypt, India, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Uganda, Tunisia, Yemen and Zambia.

“COVID-19 Global Pandemic has brought the world into its knees killing millions of people around world and has put more families below poverty lines. With unemployment and global hunger surging every nation, our organization has kept its mission intact, that is to advocate and innovate sustainable social developments and promote universal humanitarianism which includes feeding the hungry during this dark hour of our lives”, said the Founder and President of WCH, Sultana Princess Maria Amor Torres.

We Care for Humanity is a non-profit organization 501(c)(3), based in California and was founded by Sultana Princess Maria Amor in 2011. WCH is an internationally recognized organization dealing mainly with current global issues focusing on the eight (8) United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG) such as: #1 No Poverty, #2 Zero Hunger #3 Good Health and Well Being, #4 Quality Education, #5 Gender Equality, #10 Reduced Inequality (Human Rights), #13 Climate Action, #16 Peace And Justice Strong Institutions.



Monday, April 20, 2020

Sap Fico Consultant Celebrates Birthday In A Humanitarian Way With WCH

WCH Founder, Maria Amor’s younger sister Maria Cristina Torres Ayungao celebrates her birthday by doing a Feeding Program

Video Link:

In this period of COVID-19 where quarantines and lockdowns overwhelm incredible hunger in poor communities, what better way to celebrate one’s birthday than to share food even in the simplest way. We Care for Humanity (WCH) conducts FEEDING PROGRAMS in more than 10 countries including Philippines as part of their project-WCH FIGHT AGAINST COVID-19.

Maria Cristina Torres Ayungao, born May 11 of 1970, successfully celebrated her birthday by undertaking a Feeding Program in a depressed community sponsored by WCH. Last 10th of May 2020, Cristina, with the help of her children and in-laws distributed 250 packs of meals in Pitogo, Makati. They served lunch consists of rice and Filipino favorite viand, Menudo.

Cristina, a younger sibling of WCH Founder and President, Sultana Princess Maria Amor Torres is a SAP FICO Consultant by profession and has had 13 years of experience working with big companies like GLOBE Telecoms, Robinsons Land Corporation, Jollibee Food Corporation, Procter & Gamble (P&G) under Hewlett and Packard Phils. (HP) and IT Managers and many more.

Sultana Maria shares her appreciation of her sister, “I am very fortunate to have been born in a philanthropic family. My sister, Cristina is a natural humanitarian since childhood, always ready to help and has desires to do bigger things for humanity in the future. She is a big support to WCH’s endeavors especially in the Philippines. We are grateful and very proud of her accomplishments as a professional, a mother, a sister and a spiritual person.”

Other Torres siblings, Rizaline Irene and Ferdinand also extended their birthday wishes for Cristina, who is currently staying in Makati with her US based daughter- Krishna Lou and newly graduate son- Niles Kim. Her husband, Francisco Ayungao is presently working in Singapore as a manager in a food chain company. 

WCH FEEDING PROGRAMS are happening in Bangladesh, Egypt, India, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Uganda and Tunisia.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Asia’s Woman Of The Year Receives Honorary Doctorate In Public Administration

"8th G.O.D. Awards’s
 Woman of the Year,
 H.E. Iv Sry receives
 Honorary Doctorate in Public
 Administration from
Asia Euro University in Cambodia

In the morning of 07 April 2020, Asia Euro University, Cambodia conferred the Honorary Doctorate Degree to H.E. Dr. Iv Sry, Advisor to Ministry of Interior with the rank in equivalence to Secretary of State, in recognition of her tremendous contributions to the Kingdom of Cambodia as well as her commitment to support all sort of humanitarian works nationwide. 

The conferment was conducted successfully in the presence of University rector, Dean of graduate school and steering committee and Special representatives of research department from the Ministry of Education.

In 2019, Sry received the Asia’s Woman of the year Award in Los Angeles bestowed by the Global Order of Dignitaries and Philanthropists (G.O.D.) Awards, organized by We Care for Humanity (WCH). She was honored along side world leaders and dignitaries and presented awards to by former president of Croatia, H.E. Ivo Josipovic abd former president of Ecuador, H.E. Rosalia Arteaga.

We at the WCH and G.O.D. Awards would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations to H.E. Iv Sry for such a big achievement and another milestone on her career being awarded with Honorary Doctorate in Public Administration. We always believe in her as a humanitarian and her ability as a leader. Iv Sry has done so much kindness to her people and country. She deserves all the accolades given to her”, said HRH Sultana Princess Maria Amor Torres, founder and president of WCH and G.O.D. Awards.

Dr. Iv Sry was born in 1954 into a family of seven siblings in Takeo province, located in the south of Cambodia. During her childhood, H.E. Dr. Iv Sry encountered so many different kinds of challenges and obstacles; however, as an independent child and despite all of the difficult times, she made firm commitments and inspiration to strive to study until she completed high school successfully and finally got selected to School of Medicine in 1975 just before the arrival of Pol Pot regime. During the genocidal regime, she was evacuated to various parts of Cambodia.

After the collapse of the genocidal regime, she decided to join the Secretariat of National Police at the age of 25. With her characters and work performance as well as ethics, she was sent to the training course in Vietnam. Upon the return from Vietnam, she was promoted to be the Procurement and Accounting Unit Chief and then promoted gradually as per her performance and intelligence until her retirement. Currently, she is the Advisor to Ministry of Interior with the rank in equivalence to Secretary of State. What’s more, during her tenure of government work, she was a serious learner, she studied and joined so many workshops and training programs, specially overseas under United Nations Office on Drugs and Crimes. And in cognition to her work performance, she received all types of National Decorations. 

Apart from her administrative roles working in the government, she is a pure and proud Buddhist; she has done so much to help the poor; she has built roads, ponds, pagodas, fences, installed lamps, stupas and many more humanitarian works. 

With all her credentials, great characters, experiences, and contributions to help the mankind, and after careful selection and decision, the graduate school committee of Asia Euro University has endorsed her candidacy to receive the Honorary Doctorate Degree in Public Administration.