Friday, April 3, 2020

WCH Partners With Egyrobo To Combat Covid-19

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We Care for Humanity (WCH) Founder and President, Sultana Princess Maria Amor Torres announced its partnership with EGYROBO, a pioneer in robotics and automation technology and the only robotic system integrator in Egypt, to help humanity in fighting the biggest challenge the world is currently facing – the Coronavirus.

The noble collaboration between the two entities has commenced last March 29, 2020 by signing a partnership agreement binding them together to bring supply of cutting-edge technology and robotics of disinfection system and reliable detection tools, all to prevent widespread infection of the virus.

WCH is very committed to our mission to promote universal humanitarianism and what better way to contribute to humanity in these times of crisis but to seek for solutions to fight the pandemic, not just a temporary resolve but a sustainable one”, said the Sultana Bae a Gaus of Maguindanao, also known as the Traveling Princess. She added, “Humanity is on the brink of chaos! This is not the time for hesitations to take extreme measures to fight this killer virus. We must do what it takes to make the world safe again. What we offer is something better than cure. For what the world really needs right now to control this contagion (aside from love, compassion and staying home) are effective prevention/disinfection system and reliable detection tools. And I don’t mean wearing face masks and getting locked down!

David S. Beshara, Founder and CEO of Egyrobo, who went to robotic college in Germany and spent most of his life pioneering in Robotics in Egypt says “Our responsibility is creating several different types of robots to serve humanity. Egyrobo is compelled to help during these most challenging times of our lives by innovating robotics which can save people from the infectious diseases and viruses. We appreciate the opportunity of working with Princess Maria Amor Torres and WCH, together we will bring solutions to this pandemic.” His life slogan: “Believe, Innovate, create

Part of team are WCH Egyptian Directors, Eng. Mostafa Saleh Amin and Mr. Hany Al Araby who initiated this engagement and working diligently to bring these innovations globally. The duo are also in charged of the technical aspect and logistics of the whole endeavor.

The EGYROBO Explained:

The UV Disinfection Robot can save many lives, may it be in the hospitals or airports, schools, malls, businesses and factories or even at home. With its autonomous mobile solutions and concentrated UV-light, it deploys fast and efficient disinfection process and literally shreds the DNA or RNA of any microorganisms exposed to the the UV-light.

The Amy Autonomous Sterilize and EGYROBO-Sterilizing Robots carry the new type of dry fog space sterilization system. With its strong disinfection and sterilization capacity, it kills bacteria 99.99% and reduces significantly the risk of infection instantly.

With EGYROBO – Telepresence Robot, the heroes of this epidemic times – the doctors and hospital staff are protected! With its intelligent system, the Telepresence Robot makes diagnosing and communications efficient without the risk of spreading infection.

Our Fever & Thermal Scanning System and Face Recognition Machine make the invisible enemy visible! Detection of virus has never been so accurate and as fast as lightning before!

WCH encourages governments and private sectors to not take any chances on this COVID-19 again! “We are ready to cooperate and share our technology and innovations, all you have to do is reach-out to us.” – Final message from the founder.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Himalayan Peace Caravan In Mexico A Huge Success


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The We Care for Humanity (WCH) and the Himalayan Peace Foundation held a very successful Himalayan Peace Caravan (HPC) last February 13 to 16, 2020 at the Hacienda San Cristobal, San Francisco del Rincón Guanajuato, Mexico, in collaboration with Centro Fox and convened by its founder and president, the 10th president of Mexico, H.E. Vicente Fox and Former First Lady, Mrs. Martha Fox.

The Caravan aims to promulgate Himalayan arts and culture to the world while promoting peace to mankind. Hence, a two solid day program of various activities were held at the hacienda attended by local and international audience and those enthusiasts of Buddhism and Spirituality. 

The said program highlighted series of pujas, mandala making, meditation and tantric dance by the HPC monks and performing artists from Nepal and Bhutan delegation headed by Lama Karma.

In addition to the Venerable monks, HPC was also represented by notable businesspeople from Cambodia namely Chhoem Sokha and Tim Savuth and G.O.D. Honoree from USA, Mrs. Usha Shah, who in behalf of her husband Dr. Jay Shah, another G.O.D. Honoree, gave a matriarchal impact to the event. This trip was a celebration of the Shah’s 57th Wedding Anniversary and their humanitarian work being the Med Care director of Med Clinic (Global Tele Care) for seniors and Veterans.

The whole delegation enjoyed an intimate dinner with President Fox and wife, the tour of Guanajuato, and all the wonderful services of Hacienda San Cristobal has to offer.

One evening, an elegant dinner was hosted by the Taittinger Champagne owner and President Fox at the Hacienda San Cristobal with the presence of Secretary of Trade & Industry and Secretary of Tourism of Mexico. HM Sultana Princess Maria Amor was invited as an honored guest along with Mrs. Usha Shah.

HPC is founded by the Sultana and Himalayan Peace Foundation (HPF) Chairman, Venerable Khen Rinpoche Phurba Dorjee who was not able to attend because of health issues.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

WCH And YVCO Held Successful Investment Forum In Uganda

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In conjunction to the official visit of WCH Founder, HM Sultana Princess Maria Amor Torres to Uganda, the 1st WCH-YVCO Socio-Economic Development Investments Forum was held successfully last 31st of January 2020 at the Royal Imperial Hotel in Kampala, convened by Bishop Aaron Siribaleka, CEO of YVCO Alliance. The forum was participated by Uganda’s dignitaries, local government officials, royal indigenous groups and some businesspeople of Kampala.

One of the guest speakers, Egyptian businessman and WCH Vice President for Business Affairs, Eng. Mostafa Saleh Amin announced a spectrum of major investments they are willing to bring into the country contingent to sovereign guarantee in order to protect the investors interests.

Through the course of the conference, the royal delegates composed of Kings and Queens of various indigenous tribes of Uganda spoke up about the need of direct investments to each of their own Kingdoms.

The Sultana broke the news that Uganda was chosen to host the first G.O.D Africa awards. She said that through this event, the plight of the indigenous royal groups to uplift their economic status will be answered. The G.O.D. Africa will incorporate a much bigger investment forum and will be attended by. World leaders and great personalities and philanthropists from Africa and all over the world.

The G.O.D. Africa is slated to convene on October 14 to 16, 2020 at the famous Munyonyo Commonwealth Resort in Kampala.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Kingdom Of Buruli Held Royal Event In Honor Of We Care For Humanity Founder Sultana Maria

"HM Sultana Princess Maria Amor,
 Bae A Gaus of Minsupala and
 HRH King Constantine Butamanya
 of the Kingdom of Buruli

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At the invitation of her counterpart His Royal Highness the King of Buruli kingdom, H.H Butamanya. C. Mwogezi, the Queen of Power in Minsupala, Philippines, HRH Sultana Princess Maria Amor Torres, paid an official visit to the Kingdom.

HRH Butamanya hails to the king of Buruli in Central Uganda, he is the patron of Uganda Kings’ and Cultural Leaders’ Forum together with his entire administration headed by the Kingdom’s Prime Minister welcomed the Queen Maria and her delegation which was led by Bishop Aron Siribaleka, the chief Director YVCO Alliance, at their palace which is found in Nakasongola town council. 

The Isabaruli (king) of Buruli and a 2019 8th G.O.D AWARDS speaker at the Anaheim Convention Center, California, expressed great joy on behalf of his kingdom to Sultana Queen Maria for having honored his invitation to fly and attend as the chief guest at the Kingdom’s 1st investment forum.

In his remarks, the king expressed over a number of social and economic challenges currently facing his palace and as well as his subjects. Isabaruli made an investment cry at this forum for international investors willing to open up orange juice plants, which can play a value addition to what his people are already producing in large amounts but with limited skills and markets.

He cried over for an investor willing to open up a modern healthy medical center which can save his subjects from moving longer distances in order to access the few available health centers. In the area of ICT, the king expressed great concerns for a community ICT lab to train his youths so that they are able to match with the global trending standards, the Kingdom radio where his people can be educated and sensitized over a number of social, economic issues, to mention but a few.

Queen Maria also known as “The Traveling Princess” in her maiden speech urged the kingdom to remain united and to work for peace. She focused more on several projects her foundation, WCH, has already started working on in the country such as the Eco-Palace and all she is waiting for is a suitable land where such an investment can be established. She also noted to the king that WCH Country Director and some of key administrative positions have been appointed and occupied and soon it will be registered as an NGO in Uganda.

She informed the King and the public that this year, WCH and Uganda government are working closely with other royal traditional institutions and the YVCO organization and that she is giving the opportunity to  Uganda to host the first G.O.D Africa, an event that will bring in many international and willing investment partners and her personal business friends. In the same breath she informed the King and his subjects that some of the investors and were already on flight coming to Uganda and in the remaining days they will join her to meet cabinet ministers from the local government over investment prospects.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

WCH Appoints Dhanasekaran As Its Regional Director Of Tamil Nadu Chapter In India


Logesh Dhansekaran
and his family, wife and friends

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We Care for Humanity (WCH) is on a mission to expand all over the world. Bridging the gap between the influence and the poor, WCH Founder, HRH Sultana Princess Maria Amor Torres appoints highly qualified humanitarians in every corner of the planet. In the state of Tamil Nadu, India, one person stands out the most and has been a loyal humanitarian ambassador for WCH organization for years. 

Mr. Logesh Dhanasekaran, a native of Chengalpattu has a proven track record of being a humanitarian. Long before he was appointed as the WCH Regional Director for Tamil Nadu, he has been conducting Free Medical Camps in the community benefitting thousands of marginalized people including elders, mothers, children and those with disabilities. 

The WCH Free Medical Camp in India has been around for 4 consecutive years and being conducted by WCH Humanitarian Ambassadors, Mr. Rajasimhan Murugavel, and Dr. Naveen Nagarajen with the help of Mr.Gopinath, Mr.Gokul & Mr. Balaji.

Logesh, a Marine Engineer and a Marketing specialist by profession whose father- A. Dhansekaran, a retired police officer of CBI Crime department, and mother – D. Vasanthi, Lions Club Officer and a leading humanitarian in the community, are equally philanthropic and Logesh’s support in his humanitarian endeavors.

Recently during Her Royal Highness’s visit to Tamil Nadu, the whole Dhanasekaran family hosted Sultana Maria and conducted the Appointment and Oath Taking for WCH Tamil Nadu branch. A small humanitarian contribution was also initiated for the home of people with disability. The Princess and her team fed more than 20 residents and donated some cash for their small expenses.

WCH Tamil Nadu intends to focus on Education, Health and Women Empowerment.

Logesh Dhanasekaran is married to Mahrosa Devi from Indonesia and currently working as CEO of Map Global Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

WCH 4th Annual Free Medical Camp Helped Senior Citizens And Children

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Another successful medical initiative was conducted in Dharmapuram Village in Tamil Nadu last 12th of January 2020.

The camp was organized by the 3 WCH Humanitarian Ambassadors namely Mr. Logesh Dhanasekaran, Mr. Rajasimhan Murugavel, and Dr. Naveen Nagarajen under the banner of We Care for Humanity.

With the help and support of Mrs. Vasanthi Dhanasekaran, mother of Mr. Logesh, the camp was able to serve almost 200 senior citizens and children combined.

Among the volunteers are Mr.Gopinath, Mr.Gokul & Mr. Balaji.

It is such a great feeling to be able to serve the needy people by the beginning of the year, it means all year round we will be helping more people which is our biggest achievement and fulfillment. I also want to thank my brothers by heart, Dr. Naveen and Mr. Raja for doing this noble work with me for the 4th year time.” – Logesh Dhanasekaran

Sultana Princess Maria Amor, founder of We Care for Humanity (WCH) expressed her gratitude to the Ambassadors: “I am so proud of our Humanitarian Ambassadors’ dedication to this Free Medical Camp in India. They are the most consistent humanitarians who are deeply committed to improving the health of underprivileged people in the community.” – Sultana Maria

*WCH is an internationally recognized organization dealing mainly with current global issues focusing on the seven (7) United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG) such as: #1 NO POVERTY, #3 GOOD HEALTH AND WELL BEING, #4 QUALITY EDUCATION, #5 GENDER EQUALITY, #10 REDUCED INEQUALITY (HUMAN RIGHTS), #13 CLIMATE ACTION, #16 PEACE AND JUSTICE STRONG INSTITUTIONS. 

Khen Rinpoche Phurba Dorjee Leads We Care For Humanity In Nepal

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We Care for Humanity (WCH) continues to flourish around the world. In collaboration with Zamling Buddha Foundation (ZBF), WCH founder, HM Sultana Princess Maria Amor Torres Mastura had a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Signing with 7th G.O.D. Awards Champion of Peace and Humanity, Venerable Khen Rinpoche Phurba Dorjee.

The MOU comprises the formation of the WCH Nepal branch and the development goals it will undertake under its banner such Education, Health & Wellness, Poverty Alleviation and Youth and Children Empowerment.

The ceremony which was conducted last January 12, 2020 at Sang Restaurant & Bar in Kathmandu, Nepal, also celebrated the opening of the Zamling Foundation, a newly formed organization chaired by the Venerable Lama.

Nepal and Indian celebrities, educators, including elders and students attended the auspicious gathering.

Venerable Rinpoche Phurba Dorjee has a long track record of successful initiatives guided by his spiritual leadership and natural altruism. His compassion to the less fortunate especially the children and elders is extraordinary, there is not a single doubt that he is more than fit to fill-in the position as Country Director of WCH Nepal. WCH is very blessed to have him.” – Sultana Princess Maria Amor

The newly appointed Country Director also gave his statement: “In this chaotic world, people are engaging in war, violence, aggression, hatred and killing each other. It’s a very sad reality but we don’t need to kill people and die. We cannot survive and live happily, successfully without others so let’s build and share unity, equality, friendship, love and peace.” – Rinpoche Phurba Dorjee

Khen Rinpoche wears many caps: he is a film maker, producer and CEO of Vajrakilya Productions. Recently, he formed the Himalaya Peace Foundation in India and he is also one of the founders of the Himalaya Peace Caravan in partnership with Sultana Maria which will take off this February 2020 to Mexico.

Rinpoche Phurba Dorjee spends time between India and Nepal but mostly dispersing his philanthropic prowess in Kathmandu.