Wednesday, March 28, 2018

WCH Donates Cash and Footwear to Maiti Foundation

Who doesn’t know CNN Hero Anuradha Koirala also known as “Diju”, a Nepalese term for elder sister. Anuradha received the prestigious Hero Award from CNN in 2010 for her unparalleled work for saving children, girls and women who were being trafficked within and from Nepal for commercial sexual exploitation. Koirala founded Maiti Nepal with the aim of providing services for both children and women who have endured untold pain and suffering, often in silence.

“It is a tremendous honor for me to meet Diju, ever since I saw her being honored at CNN Hero, I told myself I want to be like her, to make a difference in this world. She greatly inspired me especially it was during the time I founded We Care for Humanity (WCH), a non-profit organization which advocates Education, Health, Eradication of Poverty, Green Environment and Women Empowerment.”, said Princess Maria Amor Torres, Founder and President of WCH and Chairman of the Global Order of Dignitaries and Philanthropists (G.O.D.).

Fulfilling the mission of WCH, Amor and WCH India Advisor Chetan Hora brought hundreds of footwear to the children of Maiti Foundation. Along with relief goods, the Princess also donated some cash to augment some of the daily needs of the organization. “I am grateful to Princess Maria for giving time to visit our organization and bringing inspiration and hope to our children. These survivors have suffered a tremendous deal of pain, and they need your support and all the love and care they could get from people around the world.”, pleaded by Ms. Koirala.

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