Saturday, June 28, 2014

Empress Shebah Kasambu 'Ra III Received the "Noble Woman of the Year" award from WCH's G.O.D. Awards

Empress Shebah Kasambu 'Ra III was honored with the "Noble Woman of the Year" award at the United Nations on June 20, 2014, during the 2nd Global Officials of Dignity Awards ceremony organized by We Care for Humanity and HRH Princess Maria Amor D.D.  King Samuel Quartey from New York accepted the award on her behalf.

The award was a testament to Empress Shebah Kasambu 'Ra III's unwavering commitment to humanitarian causes and her remarkable leadership in promoting peace, equality, and justice. Her tireless efforts in empowering women and advocating for the rights of the marginalized have inspired many around the world. King Nana's acceptance of the award symbolized the unity and solidarity among global leaders in championing noble causes. Empress Shebah Kasambu 'Ra III's legacy continues to shine brightly, serving as a beacon of hope and compassion for generations to come.

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