Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Shahida Murteza to Receive WCH's Woman of the Year Award in Las Vegas at WCH Royal Summit

We Care for Humanity is happy to announce, Ms. Shahida Murtaza as one of the recipients of Woman of the Year Award at the WCH Royal Summit at the Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas on 14th of August 2024. 

Queen Maria Amor Leonor Torres Mastura, the founder of WCH and Chairperson of the summit, extended her congratulations, stating, "We are privileged to present this award to Ms. Murteza. Her dedication to humanity has undoubtedly enriched the world. We eagerly anticipate collaborating with her for the advancement of global welfare."

Born in Pakistan, Shahida Murtaza is a versatile figure who seamlessly blends her artistic talents with a deep dedication to helping others. As a respected TV actress, anchor, and model, Shahida has graced screens with her captivating performances while also championing causes close to her heart.

Beyond her roles in the entertainment industry, Shahida serves as the director of Capt Tarana Privilege Club & Welfare Trust, where she channels her energy into uplifting the less fortunate. Throughout the challenging period of the COVID-19 pandemic, Shahida has volunteered for We Care for Humanity's Global Santa program which supported needy families, demonstrating her unwavering compassion and commitment.

Her notable contributions have earned her esteemed awards such as the Women Inspire Award and the Pakistani Excellency Award, highlighting her impact and dedication within her homeland and beyond.

Embodying the motto, "Be Patient and Take Small Steps",  Shahida epitomizes perseverance and gradual progress, particularly in her philanthropic pursuits. Her greatest aspiration is to create lasting change for underprivileged families, ensuring they receive the support and opportunities they deserve.

Outside of her professional responsibilities, Shahida finds solace and joy in acting, a passion that not only enriches her creatively but also allows her to inspire others through her portrayals of resilient characters.

Shahida Murtaza continues to serve as an inspiration, illustrating that true fulfillment comes from serving others and making meaningful contributions to the world, step by step.

Saturday, April 6, 2024

WCH Founder Appoints Derrick Mwaura from Kenya as Personal Assistant

The appointment of Derrick Mwaura from Kenya as the Personal Assistant by the WCH Founder, HRH Queen Maria Amor highlights the organization's commitment to diversity and inclusion. Derrick's unique background and experiences will bring a fresh perspective to the role, enriching the team with new ideas and insights. His appointment also serves as a testament to the Founder's vision of creating a global team that reflects a wide range of perspectives and talents. With Derrick on board, the organization is poised to benefit from his skills and expertise, contributing to its continued success and growth.

About Derrick:

Mwaura Derrick Mulwa is a young dynamic individual whose journey is characterized by resilience and growth. Raised in Nairobi- Kenya, Derrick embodies the spirit of perseverance and determination. As a recipient of the university scholarship provided by We Care for Humanity, founded by HRH Queen Mariam Amor Leonor Torres Mastura, Derrick is on a path towards academic excellence and societal impact. His story serves as a proof of hope and inspiration, demonstrating the boundless possibilities that arise when individuals are empowered to pursue their dreams. Through his dedication to academic achievement and community service, Derrick continues to uplift and inspire those around him, leaving an indelible mark on the world.

With a commitment to excellence and a passion for making a positive difference, Derrick now serves as the WCH organization's Publicity Ambassador and Personal Assistant to HRH Queen Mariam Amor Leonor Torres Mastura, he brings enthusiasm, dedication, and a drive for success to every endeavor.

As Derrick moves on this new chapter of his journey, supported by the vision of We Care for Humanity, he stands poised to make a lasting impact on society and shape a brighter future for generations to come.

Saturday, March 16, 2024

WCH and Sultanate of Magindanaw Extended Humanitarian Aid to Markadz Al-arfadz Orphanage Center in the Spirit of Ramadan

COTABATO - Following the successful "Kanduli" (thanksgiving) event, which featured the Sultan of Magindanaw's “stepping on white dust ritual”, the We Care for Humanity (WCH) team and the Maguindanao Royal Family offered humanitarian assistance to the Markadz Al-arfadz Orphanage Center on March 11, 2024, in the spirit of Ramadan.

Since 2022, the U.S.-based non-profit organization WCH has been involved in charitable initiatives in Mindanao in partnership with the Sultanate of Magindanaw. 

Leading the delegation was HRH Queen Mariam Leonor Torres Mastura, the WCH founder, who presented the organization's mission and dedication to aiding the orphanage.

His Majesty Zulkarnain Mastura VI, the 26th Supreme Sultan of Magindanaw, along with other cultural leaders:  Datu Habib Mastura- Secretary General of SKDOP, H. Datu Suod Ibrahim- Daram sa Magindanaw, Datu Jimmy Asim- Datu Mompong sa Kutawato sa Magindanaw, Datu Jordan Sinsuat- Datu Dikaya III, Datu Alee Uy- Marajalayla Salamen Magindanaw, Datu Zainudin Anan Kabulan- Datu Lawan na Datu Dikaya, HRH Febs Mastura Matalam, Royal Princess sa Magindanaw, HRH Jasma Mastura Karon- Rajah Bai sa Magindanaw, HRH Harjida Mastura Karon- Bailaga sa Magindanaw, Fatima Abdulrakman- Bailawan sa Dikaya, and foreign guest, Dr. Abdalla Sharief- Datu Marajalaila sa UN, who is also the president of United Nations Correspondents Association of Vienna (UNCAV), shared uplifting messages during the visit.

Ustadz Al-faradh Markadz expressed gratitude for the support and congratulated the newly enthroned Sultan on his prosperous reign.

The collaboration between the We Care for Humanity and the Sultanate of Magindanaw has significantly benefited the Markadz Al-arfadz Orphanage Center. During this 2nd visit, essential supplies such as rice and groceries were provided to support the orphanage's needs during Ramadan.

Their generous humanitarian gestures have truly embodied the spirit of Ramadan, bringing hope and joy to the underprivileged children.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

WCH Founder Accompanies UNCAV President to Cotabato for the Sultanate of Magindanaw Conference

COTABATO - The President of the United Nations Correspondents Association of Vienna (UNCAV)Mr. Abdalla Sharief, will visit Cotabato City, Philippines on the 8th of March 2024. Accompanied by HRH Queen Mariam Leonor Torres Mastura, founder of We Care for Humanity (WCH), they will attend the Peace and Cooperation Conference hosted by the Sultanate of Magindanaw.

Since the enthronement of the new Sultan of Magindanaw, His Majesty Sultan Abdulaziz Zulkarnain Mastura Kudarat VI, on the 14th of January this year, he and his Cabinet members have been actively promoting peace within the community.

Both the 26th Sultan of Magindanaw and Crown Prince, His Hghness Datu Mamuar Mastura expressed their honor in hosting an emissary from the United Nations. They have high hopes that this visit will positively impact the longstanding issues faced by the people in Mindanao.

The conference, which will include the "Kanduli" thanksgiving ceremony of the Sultan and the launch of the upcoming WCH Royal Summit, Philippines 2024, is scheduled for the 9th of March from 10AM to 3PM at the Royal House of Her Highness Royal Princess Febraida Mastura Matalam in Cotabato.

Sharief shared his emotions on his upcoming visit to the Philippines, stating, "I am excited to return to the Philippines for the second time and particularly eager to explore the captivating region of Magindanaw. Magindanaw holds significant importance in the hearts of many in the Arab and Islamic world as the land of Muslim Philippines. As a fellow Muslim, I feel a strong sense of solidarity with my brethren in Magindanaw and their quest for cultural and economic advancement. As I journey to the realm of Sultan Abdulaziz Zulkarnain, I sense a profound familiarity, as though I already know him despite our yet-to-be-made acquaintance. I anticipate that this visit will deepen our mutual understanding and strengthen our bonds as we collaborate towards shared objectives in economics and human development. Undoubtedly, my time in Magindanaw will be enlightening. I am keen to immerse myself in the rich cultural heritage and witness firsthand the economic strides the region has achieved. Moreover, I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to share our media and development expertise with the African and Arab world, leveraging our established partnerships with international organizations in Europe like UNIDO and the Atomic Energy Organization. The Philippines, with its diverse landscape and vibrant culture, offers abundant prospects for cooperation and progress. Magindanaw, in particular, serves as a testament to the resilience and determination of its people. Together, we can pave the way for a brighter future that celebrates cultural diversity and fosters economic prosperity for all. I am profoundly grateful for the chance to revisit Magindanaw and anticipate the meaningful connections and fruitful collaborations that await."

Queen Maria expressed her delight in fulfilling her responsibilities as Bai Mompong sa Magindanaw by bridging UNCAV and the Sultanate of Magindanaw. "I hold high aspirations for the Sultanate to thrive as one of the most esteemed and influential Kingdoms globally, and I am committed to achieving this goal to the best of my abilities."

Monday, February 5, 2024

From the book We Care for Humanity II available via Amazon.com


5th G. O. D. Awards 2017


All the world resounds with change,

So many new alliances exchange.

Uncertainty, discontent, ragged drowned refugees,

From devastation, widespread war the innocent flees.


Nowhere on Earth seems to be immune.

Inequality dances to the Devil’s tune.

United our nations must stand for right.

We see the problems, we need to fight.


Hunger, poverty, pestilence and disease,

Education for change, the humanitarian sees,

Ideas to help and protect mankind,

Dreams for a better future we hope to find.


Our Awardees have so much good to share,

Their humanitarian ideals and lifelong care.

G. O. D. awardees work for mankind

Here the greatest of the great we find.


As diverse as our countries stand,

Humanitarian love they understand.

Members of a very select G. O. D. band.

Monday, January 29, 2024

Hello from U. K.

 I hope you are going to like my blogs. I am W.C.H. Poet and publisher of W. C. H. Books available worldwide. I will be blogging my poetry some that are from W. C. H Books that were launched at the United Nations Headquarters in New York and United Nations Geneva. They are a record of awardees and events from 2015 to date. Have a good day my friends. Peace and love. Maureen Brindle. 

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Queen Mariam's Brother, ZULKARNAIN MASTURA KUDARAT VI, Enthroned as the 26th Legitimate Supreme Sultan of Magindanao

Despite numerous aspirants vying for the title of Supreme Sultan of Maguindanao, the position has already been rightfully claimed by His Majesty Sultan Abdulaziz Zulkarnain Mastura Kudarat VI. He wasn’t only appointed as the legitimate successor by the late Sultan Salem but was also the popular choice of the Maguindanao people and hails from an unbroken line of Sultans since Sultan Muhammad Dipatuan Kudarat who reigned the Sultanate of Maguindanao from 1625 to 1671.

The enthronement took place last 14th of January during the Taazi’ah/Kanduli for the late 25th Supreme Sultan, Abdulaziz Guiwan Salem Mastura Kudarat V.  Flooded by thousands of people, the auspicious event was attended by big personalities from local and abroad including traditional leaders, politicians, religious leaders, tribal groups, representatives from 26 principalities of Mindanao: Municipalities of Palembang, Kalamansig, Bagumbayan, Sultan Kudarat, Matanog, Sultan Mastura, Maitum, Kiamba, Maasin, Kabacan, Pikit, Pagalungan, Datu Osin Sinsuat, Datu Blah Sinsuat, Dau Abdullah Sangki, Polomok, Isulan, Parang, SKP, Lebak, Kalamnsig and Labangan; Cities of Cotabato, General Santos and Marbel; and officers and men of the 6th infantry Division (KAMPILAN) PA AFP, Central Cotabato.

The Sultanate’s Cabinet members have recently revealed plans for two additional coronation ceremonies this year. The second ceremony will take place in Cotabato City on March 9th, extending its reach to the entire Mindanao region. The third and most significant coronation is scheduled to occur in October at the WCH Royal Summit in Manila. This event will host a multitude of international monarchs, dignitaries, and United Nations representatives, rendering it an extraordinary and memorable occasion.

The Crown Prince of Maguindanao, Datu Muamar (Mama) Mastura, has disclosed the order of succession of the Sultanate, as decreed by their late father, Sultan Guiwan Mastura Kudarat IV. “According to the last testament, after Sultan Salem, Datu Nain is to take over as the Sultanate's leader, thereby ensuring the unbroken tradition of succession. This dying wish of my brother, Sultan Salem has been upheld, and Datu Nain is the rightful heir to the throne.” His Royal Highness Datu Mama added, “We have recently discovered that a number of individuals, including some of our own relatives who have benefited from our father's kindness and compassion, are plotting to usurp the throne from us. Despite our family's relentless efforts to fortify the Sultanate, these individuals are driven by a desire for greater power and influence. Nonetheless, the truth about their intentions is widely known throughout Mindanao.” 

Renowned humanitarian and founder of international charity organization- We Care for Humanity (WCH), Queen Mariam Torres Mastura vowed to help ensure that the Sultanate emerges stronger than ever before. “As the crowned Bai Mompong sa Magindanaw, it is my duty to support my brother, the Supreme Sultan, in preserving the Sultanate and its goals. And I will not rest until I bring His Majesty to the United Nations to represent the interests of the Sultanate, and that the entire world recognizes him as the true Sultan of Maguindanao!”- said the crowned Queen of the Royal House of Luzon Tagalog.

A few of hundreds of congratulatory messages from International Dignitaries and Monarchs:

DR. ABDALLAH SHARIF, President of United Nations Communications Association of Vienna (UNCAV)-  “On behalf of the UNCAV and other esteemed peace organizations in Austria, I extend my warmest greetings to my noble brother, Sultan Zulkarnian, on his coronation as the illustrious Supreme Sultan of Maguindanao. May the winds of fortune guide you towards success and prosperity, and may you enjoy robust health to benefit your kingdom.”

H.E. IVO JOSIPOVIC, 3rd President of Croatia (2010-2015)“I am delighted to send my biggest congratulations to the new Supreme Sultan of Maguindanao, Philippines. I wish for His Majesty Zulkarnain Mastura Kudarat VI to have a long and vibrant reign as the 26th Sultan of Maguindanao, and may the Sultanate become one of the most revered Kingdoms in the world!”

HRH ISABARUULI ISABARONGO MWATYANSOZI MWOGEZI BUTAMANYA, King of Buruuli Kingdom & Chairperson Uganda Kings and Cultural Leaders Forum-  “I extend my sincerest congratulations to His Majesty Sultan Abdulaziz Zulkarnain Mastura Kudarat VI on his ascension to the 26th Supreme Sultan of Maguindanao. I and the Kings I head in Uganda are willing to work with you under WE CARE FOR HUMANITY”.

HRM DR. NANA AKOMANYI ESSANDOH V, Sovereign Ruler of the Kingdom of Gomoah, Ghana
“Royalty is a blessing. 
 Royalty is creativity.
Royalty is culture.
Royalty is upliftment.
Royalty is God given.
Royalty is attraction.
Royalty is Grace from God.
You are blessed to be the 26th Sultan.
May God see you through successfully.

H.E. ROSALIA ARTEAGA SERRANO, Former President of Ecuador“My warmest congratulations go out to Sultan Abdulaziz Zulkarnain Mastura Kudarat VI, the new Supreme Sultan of Maguindanao, on his enthronement. He is a symbol of bravery and greatness, and perfectly suited to lead a sultanate with a rich history”.

H.E. FILIP VUJANOVIC, Former President of Montenegro“I am pleased to express my sincere congratulations and warm wishes to the new Supreme Sultan of Maguindanao, Philippines. I wish for His Majesty Zulkarnain Mastura Kudarat VI to have a long and prosperous reign as the 26th Sultan of Maguindanao, and may the Sultanate become one of the most respected Kingdoms in the world”

About Sultan Zulkarnain:

Sultan Zulkarnain a.k.a. Datu Nain is a highly esteemed figure in Mindanao, the Philippines' oldest and most important Muslim state. He Graduated from Manuel L. Quezon University, Manila with degree in Bachelor of Science and Commerce. Before his coronation, he served as the president of the Sultan Kudarat Descendants Organization of the Philippines (SKDOP), a non-profit organization which main mission is to unite the country’s traditional leaders and to preserve the culture and heritage of the Royal Sultanate of Maguindanao Mandanaue Darussalam. His leadership was instrumental in preserving the region's diverse culture and traditions.

Royal Lineage:

Datu Nain is the 6th child of the late Sultan Abdulaziz "Datu Guiwan" Mastura Kudarat IV. He is the direct descendant of SULTAN ISKANDER HIJABAN MASTURA KUDARAT III who reigned in 1925 to 1930. A legitimate successor to the throne as "Sultan of Magindanaw" hailing from the Royal UNBROKEN LINEAGE of the late SULTAN ALMANZA ZULKARNAIN, 8 months on the throne in year 1830. His son, the Crown Prince- RAJA TUA who was supposed to be the successor to the crown died ahead of his father, therefore, his son SULTAN JAMALOL AZAM UNTONG QUDRATULA II assumed the post and reigned from 1830- 1854. Next in line, his cousin SULTAN MAKAKUA in 1854 to 1884, followed by SULTAN PABLO in 1884 to1895. Next to him was SULTAN MANGIGIN in1896- 1924. There after was the son of SULTAN JAMALOL UNTONG QUDRATULAH II, none other than SULTAN ISKANDER HIJABAN MASTURA KUDARAT III from 1925 to1930. After the death of Sultan Hijaban, his sister, the REGENT QUEEN RAJA PUTRI appointed Mohamad Tato Kalog as the caretaker to the throne from1933-1992. After the death of Ismael Kalog, the son of Sultan Hijaban- ABDULAZIZ DATU GUIWAN MASTURA KUDARAT IV was enthroned as SULTAN OF MAGINDANAW from1993 to 2010.  He relinquished his crown to his son, SULTAN ABDULAZIZ SALEM MASTURA KUDARAT V in 2010. He reigned until his death in Jan 4, 2024. His brother, ZULKARNAIN MASTURA KUDARAT VI was declared the 26th Supreme Sultan of Magindanaw by the Executive Staff Council of Elders of the Sultanate of Magindanaw during the burial at the ancestral residence of SULTAN DATU GUIWAN MASTURA KUDARAT IV at Compound Keti, Poloy, Lebak Sultan Kudarat Province.