Sunday, September 29, 2019

Sultana From The Philippines, The First International Woman To Receive The Monisarapown Award From The Royal Government Of Cambodia

We Care for Humanity Founder and G.O.D. Chairman, Maria Amor received an award given by the Prime Minister of Cambodia, Samdach Hun Sen for her unwavering support to Save Nature Cambodia for planting almost a million trees in the Kingdom.

H.E. Oknah Sam Dararath, PhD, founder of Save Nature Cambodia and Adviser to Samdach Prime Minister felicitated the Monisarapown Award from the Royal Government of Cambodia to HRH Maria Amor onthe occasion of the 8th Global Order of Dignitaries and Philanthropists (G.O.D.) Awards Ceremony and Dinner Gala at the Anaheim Convention Center, one of California’s landmark last September 21, 2019. Dr. Dararath was enjoined on the stage by other Cambodian delegates and honorees of the said function: H.E. Iv Sry, Advisor to the Ministry of Interior who received the Woman of Honor of Asia from G.O.D.; Mrs. Kimly Lim, President of Family Agricultural Development Community who also G.O.D. recipient as Humanitarian Icon of Cambodia; and Dr. Siphal Pheng, a businessman. 

Save Nature Cambodia is a non-governmental organization mandated by the Prime Minister to take the lead in caring for the environment of the Kingdom, not only for planting trees but to save the wildlife, the mountains and proper usage of land to protect the nature and the treasures of the Kingdom. To date, Save Nature has planted over 700,000 trees allover Phnom Penh and Siam Reap with the help of We Care for Humanity and Princess Amor.

Maria Amor is the first ever enthroned Sultana and Queen of Power in Mindanao, Sulu and Palawan in the Philippines and mandated as the Ambassador of the 16 Royal House of Lanao and the Lanao Muslim Professionals Fraternity (LAMUSPROF). “I am grateful to Samdach Prime Minister Hun Sen for recognizing my work for the environment and to His Excellency Oknah Dr. Sam Dararath for giving me an opportunity to work with Save Nature Cambodia. I am equally thankful to His Holiness Samdech Preah Vannaratta Nay Chroek for the endless blessings and to the Kingdom that has embraced me and has given me the wonderful people I call my family and friends. To the King, I have yet the pleasure to meet, I hail, Long Live the King!

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Galaxy Of Great Humanitarians Emerged, Philanthropic Partnerships Formed At The 8th G.O.D. In America


We Care for Humanity (WCH) held another momentous Global Order of Dignitaries and Philanthropists (G.O.D.) Awards at one of America’s landmarks, the Anaheim Convention Center last September 20 & 21, 2019, in collaboration with Global Community Foundations and co-chaired by H.E. Ivo Josipovic, 3rd President of Croatia; H.E. Rosalia Arteaga, Former President of Ecuador; H.E. Dr. Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka, 10th Vice President of Kenya and Hon. Lou Correa, Congressman, 46th District, California.

 The historical event highlighted different important segments:

 The WCH HUMANITARIAN SUMMIT – Harmonizing with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, global issues on Homeless Veterans, Free Education for Boys and Girls, Healthy Ageing, Interfaith towards Peace and Sustainable Innovations and Partnerships were tackled with passion and enthusiasm by esteemed speakers from around the world.

Commencing with a Royal Grand Entrance the 8th G.O.D. AWARDS CEREMONY & DINNER GALA recognized humanitarian efforts of 16 great philanthropists:

  • His Royal Majesty King Oyo (Rukirabasaija Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukidi IV) King of Tooro, Uganda as ROYAL MAN OF EAST AFRICA
  • His Majesty Yadou Abalounorou Zibrila, King of Badjoude Community Ouake, Benin as NOBLE KING OF AFRICA
  • His Majesty Petoni Koda Vi, King of Djougou, Republic of Benin as ROYAL MAN OF WEST AFRICA
  • Hrh Prince Alassane Ouorou Karimou, PrĂ©sident of P-MaREDeL ONG, Benin as HUMANITARIAN ROYAL OF AFRICA
  • H.H. Prince Anastase Guezo, Minister and Second Advisor of King of Royal Palace of Abomey, BENIN as ROYAL LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD
  • Sam Pitroda, Chairman, Global Knowledge Initiative as GLOBAL HUMANITARIAN FOR SUSTAINABLE INNOVATIONS
  • Hon. Usha Ramanlal Naik, Senior Leader of Brahma Kumaris as SPIRITUAL & WELLNESS AMBASSADOR
  • Nadeem Nusrat, Chairman of South Asia Minorities Alliance Foundation as THE VOICE OF MINORITIES’ RIGHTS AND RELIGIOUS FREEDOM
  • H.E. Iv Sry, Adviser to Ministry of Interior, Cambodia as WOMAN OF HONOR OF ASIA
  • Kimly Lim, President of Family Agricultural Dev. Community as HUMANITARIAN ICON OF CAMBODIA
  • Dr. Jayrendra Shah, Medical Director of Rehab & Chronic Pain Clinic as HUMANITARIAN LEGACY AWARD
  • Mrs. Usha Shah, President of Federation
  • David Gallup, President of World Service Authority as HUMAN RIGHTS ICON
  • David E. Kenney, Esq., Managing Partner of Kenney & Kroff Lawyers as DEFENDER OF THE TRUTH and HUMANITY
  • Dr. Kelly Nguyen, CEO of IDLogic as EXCELLENCE IN HEALTH & WELLNESS

The GLOBAL EXPO founded and hosted by Dr. Tony Nguyen featured international flair of products and health innovations including the Global Medical ID by IDLogic and Health Fair by Global Telecare Inc. In addition, the Expo featured the making of Mandala Art by the monks of Namgyal Monastery, Ithaca NY, headed by Ven. Tenzin Choesang, its president.

 SPECIAL AWARDS TO THE FOUNDER – H.H. Princess Maria Amor Torres, soon to be “Sulutan A Bae A Gaus of Minsupala (The first and only female Sultan and Queen of Power of Mindanao, Sulu and Palawan” received the Medal of Merit from the Prime Minister of the Royal Kingdom of Cambodia for her unwavering support to Save Nature Cambodia in planting a total of 700,000 trees in the country. Founder H.E. Oknah Dr. Sam Dararath along with the other delegation from Cambodia felicitated the award.

 In addition, Princess Maria was honored as “Princess of Humanity” by the Brahma Kumaris headed by sister Usha Naik, and a self-portrait was gifted to Amor by a special artist with disability from Vietnam.

Royals, Dignitaries and Speakers have shared their views about the event:

 “I appreciate We Care for Humanity and Princess Maria for being there for humanity and for her undying dedication, be blessed. I look forward to convene the G.O.D. Africa in Uganda along with the collaboration of the Association of Queens and Princesses of Africa.” – beautiful words by Her Royal Highness Best Olimi Kemigisa, Queen Mother of Tooro Kingdom who also presented the Congressional Certificates from Congressman Lou Correa to the participants of the 8th G.O.D.

 “This year G.O.D. America was a celebration of humanity and goodness. These two-day discussions over important issues, like education, health and care for the veterans gave new ideas and proposals for a more humane world. Thanks to Princess Maria Amor Torres, the leader of the G.O D. and We Care for Humanity, again and again has showed a better face of our world,” says H.E. Ivo Josipovic, 3rd President of Croatia

 A strong comment by former President of Ecuador, H.E. Rosalia Arteaga “I trust on the power of education”, she continues “The G.O.D. Awards is an excellent opportunity to recognize humanitarian personalities from all over the world.

 Dr Udit Raj, National Chairman of All India Confederation of SC/ST Org stated “I commend the herculean task of We Care for the Humanity headed by Princes Amor Torres for organizing the 8th G.O.D. Awards and for including the plight of the Untouchables to the WCH Humanitarian Summit. I appeal to the world philanthropists and human right activists that they should not only to empathize the issue of the Untouchables but raise it all over the world.

 “G.O.D. Awards, we are moving towards the right direction. Topics discussed: Healthy Ageing, interfaith, Religious Harmony & eliminating Extremism, Secular ethics, Peace in the World, Health Education. Had fruitful sessions with all the experts, leaders, doctors and philanthropists. Thank you to all especially Princess Maria Amor, together we can change the world. Education is key to success. Love and Peace,” – Venerable Rinpoche Phurba Dorjee, Spiritual Guru/Film Maker.

 “Princess Maria Amor did a phenomenal event in LA this weekend in promoting Humanity, Religious Freedom and discussion on pivotal issues confronting our communities. The diverse and select group of world leaders and intellectual capital was extraordinary. Delighted to be part of this outliers and looking forward to these Roundtables.” – Puneet Ahluwalia, Managing Partner, New World Strategies.

 The head of Amazon Princess of Benin, H.H. Princess Pulcherie Simpson said, “We, the Royals of Benin stand united to back-up the vision of our sister, Princess Maria Amor. We support her for helping our people in Africa. The ancestors are going to bless you our Princess of Amazon.

HRH Constantine Butamanya Mwogezi of Buruli Kingdom states “The role of the Royals and Traditional Leaders of Uganda are paramount to the peace and development of the country. I thank WCH and G.O.D. for including this topic to the agenda of this event.

 Global Telecare Director- Dr. Jay Shah also commented, “G.O.D. was a great success, due to Maria’s experience and ability to gather world leaders, dignitaries and philanthropists, plus the care for all details made a huge difference.

 “The Eco-Palace is not for the Kings and Queens, The Eco-Palace is for humanity. This is the vision of Princess Maria and we, the YVCO and the Queen Mother of Tooro are committed to join hands with Her Highness in serving humanity.” explained Monica Karungi Kanyaihe of WOFA Uganda during her presentation at the awards.

 Eng. Mostafa Saleh, CEO of Master Cell Company in Egypt explained, “The G.O.D. Academy is the vision of Princess Maria. Together, we will establish this Innovation Academy which will help inventors who do not have the materials, resources or technologies to develop their inventions and make it real and tangible at low prices. This will help everyone get an equal opportunity to live a decent life and reach their desired goal of a decent life.

 “We will keep on inventing sustainable innovations to contribute to sustainable humanitarianism, we intend to keep that promise.” – Dr. Eng. Leopold Halser of Multicon.

 We Care for Humanity and G.O.D. thank the rest of the people who contributed to the event, Master of Ceremony Jesse Miranda who is one of the original committee members of the G.O.D. and 8th G.O.D. co-emcee Nicole Sopher, Speakers: Scott Bennett, U.S. Army Special Operations Officer, Dr. Kelly Nguyen of IDlogiq, Dr. Jack Bui of UCSD Stem Cell Lab, Dr. Christina Dokter of NALBOH and Dr. Mohamed Al-Sadek of Tru Life Clinic.

And lastly, Princess Maria Amor personally thanks all the volunteers who have helped on the last minute especially the G.O.D. Team. “I am indebted to all your unselfishness and generosity, to lend your extra hands in times of need. Salamat po ng marami at Mabuhay kayong lahat!

Sunday, September 8, 2019

G.O.D. Awards Comes To California With Global Expo 2019 To Benefit Marginalized Veterans

 Following the overwhelming success of the 7th G.O.D. event at the United Nations in Geneva last 11th and 12th of July 2019, philanthropists will once again travel across the globe this summer, to celebrate humanitarian efforts at one of America’s landmarks, the Anaheim Convention Center (ACC), where We Care for Humanity (WCH), a 501c3 non-profit organization advocating Human Rights, World Peace, Green Environment, Education, Health, Eradication of Poverty and Empowerment, and its philanthropic partners, will convene one of the biggest collaborations in the history of philanthropy; the 8th Global Order of Dignitaries & Philanthropists (G.O.D.), AMERICA slated on 20th and 21st of September, 2019.

Hosted by the Global Community Foundations (GCF) and co-chaired by Hon. Congressman J. Louis Correa of 46th District of California and Sub Committee for Homeland and Security, H.E. Ivo Josipovic, 3rd President of Croatia, H.E. Rosalia Arteaga, former President of Ecuador, and H.E. Dr. Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka, 10th Vice President of Kenya, G.O.D. America aims to benefit the Homeless Veterans of California reclaim their dignity and to live a sustainable healthy lifestyle, a project being undertaken currently by WCH.

Her Highness Princess Maria Amor Torres, founder of WCH and Chairman and Creator of the G.O.D. Awards said, “G.O.D. mission continues in this part of the world, we will recognize Americans and the humanitarians-at-large for their contribution to the welfare of the human race. WCH is grateful to GCF and Dr. Tony Nguyen who are trying to augment the issues of the Veterans in California, being the beneficiary of this event. We are happy to use the G.O.D. platform not only to promote universal humanitarianism and recognize great philanthropists but also to spearhead social partnerships and collaborations”. 

GCF’s flagship event the GLOBAL EXPO 2019 is one of G.O.D.’s major component. Focusing on Health & Wellness Summit and Health Fair, Global Expo promises to distribute 10,000 Global Medical Cards to the attendees of the event. “Global Expo 2019 is beyond just healthcare and health maintenance. Our goal is to develop holistic well-being programs for individuals, curb the rising costs of healthcare, and influence systemic change in the healthcare industry”, explained by Dr. Kelly Nguyen, CEO of IDLOGIQ, the main partner in the expo. Dr. Jay Shah, Medical Director of Global TeleCare, Inc. also said “Our targets are to foster peace and promote health and wellness leaving no one behind by providing our guests the tools they need; health education, thorough clinical evaluation, EKG screening & blood tests, all for FREE to all attendees!”

An advocate of world peace, Dr. Tony Nguyen, founder of GCF announced, “one of our missions in this event is to introduce the Project: Building The 14th Dalai Lama’s Library and Museum in United States. The Main goal for this project is to preserve the teachings of His Holiness which is the promotion of basic human value and religious harmony, a must for the 21st century-young generation to make a peaceful, healthy and happy world in the future.”

As a tradition, G.O.D. is integrated with WCH Humanitarian Summit to tackle social issues and promote the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Esteemed personalities will be joining the panel of speakers: H.M. Constantine Butamanya Mwogezi, King of Buruli, Uganda; HRH Olimi Best Kemigisa, Queen Mother of Kingdom of Tooro, Uganda; H.M. Yadou Abalounorou Zibrila, King of Badjoude Community Ouake, Benin; H.M. Petoni Koda VI, King of Djougou, Republic of Benin; Dr. Udit Raj, Chairman of All India Confederation of SC/ST Org.; Sam Pitroda, Chairman of Global Knowledge Initiative; John Robinson, Founder of Concern International Foundation and many more!